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LF199 - DEFEATED DEFIANCE - featuring Trish vs Pixie (non-scripted)
Trish didn't take her last beatdown well against Maia. Though her opponent was taller, Trish honestly felt she could take on anyone and she set her sights on none other that the little pit bull in red hair, Pixie. Cautioned that Pixie isn't to be taken lightly, trish felt that their equal 5'0" height and 115 lbs weight would make this fight more in her favour than it was with Maia. We all know Pixie never backs down from any challenge so when Trish requested a full all out non-scripted match, Pixie was more than happy to help the defiant little girl fulfill her dreams, even if the outcome won't be what she expected. Right away, Pixie's skills are readily apparent over Trish's lack of skills but the girl from down south isn't backing down and gives it her all in her attempt to climb the ladder to the top around here. Her only obstacle is Pixie..
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LF198 - HUMAN PUNCHING BAG - featuring Jill vs Ema
Jill is one of our smallest fighter girls, only 5'2" and barely 95 lbs of feminine fury! Of all the girls here, Jill is the one most of the other girls don't want to tangle with as she packs one hell of a wallop in her punches as many have discovered in the past. And she has a vengeful temper. It doesn't matter what Ema did, but Jill has the masked fighter girl hoisted up by the wrists and she's going to use her opponent as a human punching bag, and Jill isn't going to go lightly on her adversary for this match. It's all about how much damage and punishment she can inflict onto Ema before the masked girl submit. However, defiant Ema refuses to submit to her much smaller opponent and she takes on hell of a beating while trussed up, even suffered a rather painful and humiliating wedgie while being belly punched. Dropped to the mats with her hands bound behind her back, Ema is brutally and mercilessly beaten down by her sadistic attacker, Jill. Knees, fist and feet slam into Ema's battered belly but she doesn't give up. Jill pushes Ema to the breaking point.. Will the Masked Ema submit to her opponent?
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LF197 - BRUTALLY SCHOOLED - featuring Erika vs Ema
The new girl Erika took one hell of a beating from Pixie and Ema in their last encounter, and though severely beaten down, Erika came away from that fight with a lot of lessons learned and now she's ready to take on the bad girl, Masked Ema in a fight to the finish, using belly punching as her new found weapon of destruction. Its basically what destroyed Erika in the last video, so she brazenly goes after Ema with the same tactic. But, like most new comers around here, Erika is grossly mistaken and suffers a cheap shot from Ema which spells her doom for the rest of the fight. Ema, never one to be made a fool of, is determined to school her young student with another form of beatdown reserved only for those who desperately deserves such a brutal, sadistic and utterly humiliating torture.
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LF196 - BROKEN GIFT - featuring Ema & Pixie vs Erika
Ema and Pixie hate each other so much they never seem to agree to anything but it's Pixie's birthday and Ema has one of the bestest birthday gifts ever to offer to her rival and she even gets to share the gift as well. For this occasion, the two rivals will put their differences aside for this special moment. And what, pray tell, did Ema bring Pixie for her birthday? Well nothing less than a juicy delicious Jobber Girl to beat the living hell out of, that's what! Just what Pixie had been hoping for! Poor Erika, she was invited to the birthday party but she didn't realize she was the special gift and though Pixie and Ema has an awesome time with the gift, the same couldn't be said for Erika. We've seen brutal, sadistic and cruel one sided beat downs before, but nothing compared to what the evil duo did to poor helpless Erika as they literally beat her down without mercy. If you've enjoyed our previous 2 on 1 beat downs, get ready for a match that will literally blow your socks off.
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LF195 - BOUNTY HUNTER II - featuring Ema vs Pixie (Custom Video)
The Bounty Hunter is back, and this time Pixie has been charged by the Omega Gang to retrieve a stolen object and bring it and the thief, Masked Ema back to headquarters, with extreme prejudice! Pixie quickly capture Ema and drags her into the storage room to find the stolen object but no sooner does Pixie turn her back on her foe, Ema jumps Pixie and the epic battle for control begins. Pixie knows that failure to bring in both Ema and the object is not an option when it comes to the Omega Gang so she has to do everything in her power to bring down Ema and find the object. Back and forth they go, Ema desperate to escape, Pixie desperate to complete her mission. Belly punching, scissors, clawing, wedgies, cheap shots to the crotch, and so much more await these two fiery combatants in this epic battle where only one can emerge victorious, and one carried off in humiliation and defeat.
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Featuring Pixie vs Bunnie, Ema vs Erika, Absynthe vs Pixie, Brooke vs Pixie, Pystole vs Pixie, Melodie vs Pheonix
Fans loved our previous compilation videos (Figure Four Leg Locks) and they have asked for more, and this time we're back with another compilation video featuring the dreaded Camel Clutch Hold. Why is this hold dreaded? The victim is helpless and the attacker can put additional sadistic punishment and humiliation onto her victim at all. Fish hooking the mouth, mauling the breasts, yanking on the hair, all of this extra brutality only compounds the victim's suffering. In these clips, you'll also be treated to other forms of painful back breakers and other holds as well.
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LF193 - CONTENTIOUS CONTEST - featuring Maia vs Trish
Maia came to us not long ago but ended up losing all her matches against Maia and other girls. So when the little girl from across the border shows up, Maia wanted to take her down and make a name for herself but Trish, all 5'0" 115 lbs of her, wasn't going to just let Maia have her way. As soon as the action starts, these hell cats tear away into each other, clawing, yanking hair, punching, kicking and biting their way through this match in hopes of making the other submit but in the end, after much brutal fighting, one of the girls goes down in the flames of defeat. This is one wild fight you don't want to miss!
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LF192 - AND DON'T COME BACK - featuring Maia vs Ema
Ema fancies herself as the tough girl around here, and she's not afraid of her taller and bigger opponent, Maia. When the two lock up, its quickly determined as a no contest as both are equally as strong as the other. But Ema, being the veteran fighter here, knows a few tricks and convinces Maia to a punishing Belly Punching Contest. Agreeing to first one for one punches, the contest quickly escalates to several shots at a time and finally to a free for all battle to the end that sees both women exhausted and battered, until one submits, sealing her fate here at Ladyfist, never to come back.
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LF191 - A SISTER'S REVENGE - featuring Taylor vs Pixie - Custom Video
Pixie can fight her own battles but absolutely hates it when people go after her family in attempts to score points against her. Such was the case when callous Taylor jumped Pixie's older sister and beat the hell out of her recently. Not happy with what happened, Pixie storms in on Taylor's nap and proceeds to beat the hell out of the sultry hellcat. Using Camel clutches, boston crabs, hair pulls and breast mauling, Pixie puts the beat down on Taylor like never before.
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LF190 - MAIA BROKEN - featuring Ema vs Maia
To put it simply, Maia took one hell of a shit kicking from Pixie in the previous video, but it's nothing compared to what Ema puts the new girl through in this match. Though a little more mat savvy than her first video, Maia feels more confident confronting bad girl Ema. But the new girl forgot not to lead with her chin and takes one hell of a bitch slap after insulting Ema, which sets the tone for this one hellacious beatdown yet seen on our mats. Though she's flexible as hell, Maia's abilities are used against her as Ema's sadistic nature makes good use of Maia's abilities to bend. Though Maia puts up more of a fight this time, out of desperation for survival, it's too little too late as Ema enjoys herself way too much as she makes the new girl suffer like never before, only to finish her off with one hell of a cruel humiliation ending.
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LF189 - BENT, BROKEN, SUBMITTED - featuring Maia vs Pixie
Back from her successful beatdown over Jill, Pixie was asked to 'break in' the new girl, Maia. Right from the start, there's something about the new girl that Pixie doesn't like and after a brief test of strength via arm wrestling, Pixie decides it's time to really 'break' this new girl in. When Maia defiantly challenges Pixie to a flexibility test, poor Maia is sucker punched while in a bridge and the fight is on. Try as she may, poor Maia isn't able to put up much of a fight against Pixie's strength and skills as the little red head bends, twists, stomps, punches and hammers on her new opponent, literally stretching Maia to her limits. Pixie wants to ensure that this is a match the new girl will never forget as Pixie breaks Maia's will to fight, and almost breaks her in two.
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LF188 - FIGHT BACK, BITCH - featuring Bunny vs Jill
Jill might have taken a vicious beating from Pixie in a previous video but the tough little girl is back and ready to vent her frustrations on whom ever is reckless enough to stand in front of her. So when young pretty little Bunny shows up, Jill can't believe how foolhardy her adversary is acting. Displaying more bravery than brains, Bunny attempts to bitch slap her opponent but is rewarded with one hell of a vicious beat down like never before as Jill seeks to punish this one girl as an example to all others, Pixie included. Using her devastating hammer fists, Jill sadistically pummels Bunny's belly to shreds, stretches the young girl in spine cracking camel clutches and basically does what ever she can to humiliate and destroy her victim. This isn't a contest, it's all one sided and Bunny is on the receiving end of it all. So disgusted at Bunny's inability to fight, Jill shouts at her to fight back, but try as she may, Bunny is in for one hell of a painful night after this match.
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LF187 - I OWN YOU, BITCH! - featuring JILL vs PIXIE - Custom Video
Pixie has a white hot hate for Jill, the one girl whom Pixie has yet to defeat and unfortunately from whom had suffered once vicious beatdown after another. But not today, the time has come for Pixie to reclaim her top tier position on the mats and put Jill in her rightful 'bitch' place. The sparks fly early as these two hated antagonist tear into each other, back and forth with various holds and gut shots, until Pixie resorts to the one tool Jill had never used in her arsenal: The Cheap Shot. Once Jill goes down from Pixie's cheap shot, Jill faces an uphill struggle she can never recover from as the little red head pummels and finally destroys her long time antagonist, and finally makes Jill her bitch as she destroys the hammer fisted fighter girl. The battle is fast and furious, the punches brutal, the holds sadistic, and in the end, Pixie can claim she finally owns Jill. Beaten and defeated, Jill faced her first major defeat on the mats.
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LF186 - SUCKER PUNCH - featuring Ema vs Jill
Jill developed a reputation of hammering too hard when doing our famous belly punching videos and none of the other girls want to work with this pretty little girl. But dammit, Jill loves belly punching her weaker opponents and takes sneaky methods to get what she wants. And this time, she wants Ema as her victim. Knowing Ema lost her $500 rent money, Jill's tactic is to give Ema all of the rent money, only if she is able to endure 25 of Jill's punches. However, if Ema quits before the 25 punches, she gets nothing! Its a risk everything, take everything deal. Unfortunately for Ema, she's in dire straights for the money and has no choice but to submit to Jill's evil plan, or face being evicted. What transpires is one hell of a belly punching beatdown, but Ema discovers she's been duped!
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LF185 - HEELS & HOOKS - featuring Taylor vs Ema - Custom Video
Trouble is brewing for Ema and Taylor as they prepare for a fashion "walk off" but the impetuous Taylor, ever jealous of anyone looking better than she is, quickly gets into Ema's face and the two hell cats tear into each other with vicious abandon, looking to inflict as much damage to once another. Though using the traditional Camel Clutches and body scissor holds amongst others, these two sadistic girls get into painfully 'fish hooking' their opponent. But when Taylor tries to rip Ema's top off, the game changes. Enraged, Ema resorts to using her high heels for more than just walking. Fish hooking Taylor with her heels, Ema changes the rules for the fight and all hell breaks loose until only one vicious hell cat emerges victorious over her humiliated and defeated adversary.
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LF184 - BOUNTY HUNTER - featuring Ema vs Pixie - Custom Video
Hired to eliminate the Omega Gang, Ema managed to dispose of a few of the gang before her superiors tell her of a Bounty Hunter sent out to deliver Ema to the same Omega Gang so that they may exact their revenge upon her. When Pixie shows up as the bounty hunter, Ema is not too worried, she's taken out several enemy at the same time, surely she'll be able to handle the likes of Pixie. When Pixie swings for a punch to Ema's belly and her punches are caught in mid air, Ema feels she's got the upper hand, but quick thinking Pixie manages to turn the tables on Ema for a while before all hell breaks loose and these two long standing adversaries tear into each other with wanton disregard for their own safety in order to take out the other. In the end, one of these hired guns is going down for the count and it ain't gonna be pretty!
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LF183 - NO FISTS - featuring Jill vs Pixie
After the vicious beatdown Pixie took from Jill in LF181, the petite red head is hell bent on getting her revenge against Jill but doesn't want to risk another all out belly punching match against the tightly packaged new girl with the devastating fists. Eager to get her hands on Pixie again, Jill confidently agrees to Pixie's conditions that she is not to use her fists on Pixie. Unfortunately, Jill underestimated Pixie's wrestling skills and is soon subjected to Pixie's revenge as the little fiery red head bends and stretches her adversary in torturous holds before Jill taps out to Pixie's neck triangle lock. When Jill regains her senses, she discovers that Pixie suckered her into a one sided condition that it was only Jill who couldn't use her fists in this match, not Pixie. Much to her horror, Jill finds herself trapped in Pixie's body scissors with her hands caught behind her back and is now viciously attacked with devastating shots to her exposed belly. After a good belly punching beatdown, Pixie stands over her victim, confident that she's beaten Jill down, but instead, Pixie is caught with a surprise kick to the belly by an angry Jill who now informs Pixie that yes, she's not going to use her hammer like fists against the little red head, but that doesn't mean she's not going to put a vicious and sadistic beatdown on Pixie anyway! Pixie has had a long run of wins around here but we're begriming to think Pixie's days are numbered with Jill doing all the counting.
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LF182 - TORTURED TITS - featuring Sonia vs Taylor
Taylor isn't shy to show her lovely breasts, and she can't understand why other girls won't.. but she does know that this can be used against them when it comes to dirty fight tactics. Such was the case when Taylor encountered Sonia for the first time. At 5'11", sensuous Sonia towers over petite Taylor by almost a foot in height. Sonia thinks Taylor is nothing but a tramp for showing off her tits all the time, and Taylor figures on using Sonia's modesty against her in this battle. Nothing annoys Taylor more than new girls showing up and trying to dictate new fighting terms on the mats. Taylor's been around for a while and she's not taking any shit from anyone. Unfortunately, this is the one time where experience doesn't triumph over strength as Sonia gets upset at Taylor's dirty tactics and makes the petite girl pay for her errors in a most harsh and brutal way.
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LF181 - NOT THIS TIME! - featuring Jill vs Pixie
Pixie loves breaking in the new girls because she can easily establish her dominance over them early on in the game in order to stay on top of the roster. But when young Jill shows up, Pixie isn't aware of the meat grinder she's about to step into. Challenged to yet another one for belly punching contest, Jill naively accepts and though the contest has a slow start to it, the whole affairs quickly breaks down to a no holds barred vicious fight between these two head strong women. Pixie easily dominates the new girl with various holds, camel clutch, figure four leg lock, bow and arrow and the dreaded cross knee and shoulder back breakers. Beaten but not broken, Jill fight back and tosses the rules out the window as she sucker punches a boasting Pixie in the belly and turns the tables. Furious at the mistreatment handed to her by Pixie, Jill seeks revenge with what has to the be one of the most savage belly punching beatdowns we've ever seen. Hammer like fists to the ribs, solar plexus, chest and belly come crashing down on poor Pixie. Tough and courageous, Pixie refuses to call it quits but takes a vicious beating at the hands of the new girl. These punches aren't pulled and come crashing down sadistically harsh on the poor little redhead. Jill, with her slight yet powerful physique, easily dominates the little Pixie and puts her down for the count with a prolonged KO. And to put icing on the cake, Jill treats us to a little trophy posing, showing off her muscles, knowing Pixie will see this later, impounding the humiliation already handed to her.
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LF180 -SONIA'S BELLY BEATDOWN - featuring Sonia vs Ema
After Ema's recent humiliation, she's not ready to put up with any more BS, so when she spies the new girl Sonia doing belly crunches on the mats, the masked fighter girl decides it's time to establish her dominance around here before the new girl gets any bright ideas. Ema challenges Sonia to a belly punching contest and soon finds herself on the short end of the stick as Sonia hammers back harder than expected. Before she gets into too deep in trouble, Ema nails Sonia with a vicious head butt which now sets the 5'11" gorgeous babe up for a vicious and sadistic belly beatdown like none other before. The stage is set for Ema to finally redeem herself on the mats, at Sonia's expense.
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LF179 - I HATE EMA! - featuring Ema vs Gypsy & Pixie
The premise is simple: Gypsy and Pixie HATE Ema.. and they want to punish the masked girl in such a manner she'll not soon forget this day. They hate Ema SO much, they want to show her how much. Poor Ema never gets the chance to mount any offence or even defense as the two red heads destroy Ema in the most vicious and brutal of ways. When Ema cries her submission to end the match, she discovers then that neither Pixie or Gypsy want Ema's submission, they just want to hate on her, simple as that. Trapped a variety of holds that leave sexy Ema cruelly vulnerable and helpless, Pixie and Gypsy take turns hammering away at Ema's hard abs, tender breasts and hair. Pixie favours cheap low blows at any opportunity and delivers punches, heel stomps and knees to Ema's battered and bruised body. Non-stop action, Ema is finally put out in the end, but her humiliation is not over quite yet.. The red heads have something in store for their hated opponent.
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LF178 - IS THIS YOU TRYING? - featuring Sonia vs Pixie
Pixie has had the run of the mill here at Ladyfist for quite some time, beating down opponents much larger than she is but she's never met anyone as tall as 5'11" Sonia! The beautiful tall girl has been watching the scene here from a distance and felt that this spring is her turn to come try out on our mats and dominate the roost, feeling she can easily take down any of the Ladyfist Veteran girls. But she has to get past Pixie first. Why not? Start small, work your way UP the ladder, so to speak. Unfortunately for Sonia, she came ill prepared and paid the price. Pixie has never shown any fear in any of her matches and she isn't about to get nervous for this one. Though Sonia towers over Pixie by almost 12 inches, the little hell cat lunges at her new victim and starts teaching Sonia a lesson she'll soon not forget. As they say: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And PIxie will take Sonia on a beat down trip like never before.
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LF177 - MISS JADE'S CRUSH - featuring Ema vs Miss Jade
Ema has been through a lot of wars here but nothing compared to what she's going to encounter when our newest BBW "Miss Jade" shows up! Miss Jade isn't the shy type and she's used to pushing her weight around and wastes no time in establishing her presence on the mats when Ema won't move over. It doesn't take long to discover that once again Ema is going to be on the bottom end of this beat down in more ways than she ever thought possible as BBW Miss Jade uses all her assets on Ema.. on her chest, on her face, all over Ema. After a while, Miss Jade takes a keen liking to Ema and puts the moves to make Ema her girlfriend, whether the masked girl wants to be or not. Its not like Ema will have much choice as Miss Jade dominates and humiliates the hell out of Ema before Miss Jade has her ways with her hapless victim.
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LF176 - CHEAP SHOT CHEAP BITCH - featuring Pixie & Ema
Last week, during one of our typical photo shoots, Pixie and Ema were not getting along well. Ema kept trying to hurt Pixie on the sly causing the little red head to yell at her. The photographer was getting quite annoyed as he knew this was going to be a long night if those two hell cats didn't learn to play well together, at least long enough to get the photos done. But when Ema pushed Pixie once too often, the raven haired Ema takes a vicious punch to the crotch, knocking the breath out of her, and marks the beginning of one of the most brutal and sadistic crotch destruction beatdowns seen in ages. When Pixie gets infuriated, she's hell bent to kick the living crotch out of poor Ema. This beat down will make you cringe as Pixie wasn't pulling any of her kicks or stomps and ended up injuring her foot in the process of this video.. not as injured as Ema's battered crotch mind you, but still.. ouch.
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LF175 - BROKE BACK DIVAS - featuring Pystole vs Pixie, Lily vs Pixie and Nikki vs Absynthe
The Ladyfist tough gals go after the divas and this time all they want to do is bend, stretch and break their backs until they submit, tap out or can't continue.. either way they don't care, just as long as they get to punish their victims until they are satisfied of a job well done. 5'0" red haired Pixie gets royally stretched by 4'11" Pystole as she is back broken in a camel clutch, cross shoulder and cross knee back breaker, leaving the petite tough gal limp as a rag doll. Next,. Lily, the sadistic librarian with the roaming hands, seeks to fold poor Pixie in two as she stretches the little red head's back in the wrong direction until the little red head can't continue anymore. And finally, Nikki shows Absynthe what suffering is really all about when she stretches Absynthe out across her knee and drills her with a few fists and elbows, just for good measure. In the end, draped across Nikki's shoulders like yesterday's laundry, Absynthe is unable to continue and is unceremoniously dumped to the mats by her victorious opponent. Three clips previously seen in the membership clips area are now compiled into one full video. Back breaker fans will not want to miss this one..
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LF174 - BRUSH WITH DISASTER - featuring Gypsy vs Pixie (Custom Video)
Remember John? In the OLD days, he commissioned a couple of Dear John hair videos, he loved watching the girls brush their hair out and watching girls having their hair viciously pulled. When Pixie got her hair out of dread locks, John wanted to see the petite red head do a hair brushing video for him but no sooner did Gypsy, the tall lusciously thick hair red head hear about the video, she had to step in and ruin Pixie's day by trying to steal the video from the smaller girl. Never one to back down from any challenge, Pixie attacks Gypsy and both girls proceed to try and impress John with who can brush out the other girl's hair best, and in the most painful manner. In the end, one girl ends up being KO'd and has her hair sadistically brushed out while unconscious.
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LF173 - TALENT SHOWDOWN - featuring Gypsy vs Taylor (Custom Video)
We're back once again with another Talent Show Contest and this year, Taylor and Gypsy get riled up over who will be in which act. While Taylor showed up with a simple rope trick, Gypsy went all out and brought out the fun "Saw the lady in half" trick with straight jacket. When Taylor inquires who the victim will be, she's not happy to hear that Gypsy intends for Taylor to be that very special victim. When Taylor declines, she soon finds out she's not being 'asked' to be the victim, she's going to be the victim whether she likes it or not. And thus begins the battle to avoid being the unfortunate victim of Gypsy evil magic act.
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LF172 - SCISSORED SUBMISSION - featuring Gypsy vs Ema (Custom Video)
Once again, Ema finds herself on the wrong side of caution when she antagonises the taller Gypsy in a submissions only match. When Gypsy submits to an early body scissors, Ema declines to release to hold right away, instead savouring the moment of victory before releasing Gypsy. But her attempt at dominance backfires on her as Gypsy is in no mood to fool around and proceeds to spent the rest of the match torturing poor Ema with vicious scissoring holds, crushing the breath out of her, and bringing the masked girl to new painful height with a multitude of new holds, bending, stretching and crushing Ema, just to hear the bitch scream "submit" over and over and over again. Not that it will mean a release of the hold, no.. Just to hear Ema say the words, over and over and over again..
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LF171 - Figure Four Leg Lock Compilation III - featuring Pixie vs Masked Ema, Sarah and Milena
41 minutes of Figure Four Leg Lock Action in 4 extended clips featuring various Ladyfist fighters.. from our Members' Clips Area!.
Fans loved our previous two Figure Four Leg Lock Compilations and they've asked for me, so we're back with yet another compilation video for those who love watching torturous figure four action. Pixie, though petite, is powerfully strong for her size which lands a lot of her victims in trouble. Using her quick speed and tenacious grip on her victims, Pixie is dominant in most of her matches as shown in this video. Sarah, the muscle girl, was one of few who could turn the tables on the red head in dreads, and humiliated Pixie by using her own move against her. This video showcases a lot of vicious figure four legs lock but also some of Pixie's other abilities as she beats down her victims. All except Sarah of course..
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LF170 - WEDGED ASSETS - featuring Pixie vs Ema (Custom Video)
Ema's fans love Ema and they love her fine "assets" which the masked beauty isn't shy to flaunt around. But when she gets on Pixie's nerves, Ema now has to face the terror and pain of suffering through one malicious and brutally painful wedgie after another. With extteme hatred for her masked opponent, Pixie gets quite creative with her attacks as she humiliates and destroys Ema's beautiful assets with extreme prejudice. Screaming her submissions to end the match falls on deaf ears as Pixie isn't out to simply win this match, she's out to inflict as much brutal punishement as possible, just for Ema's fans.
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LF169 - MUTUAL DESTRUCTION - featuring Gypsy vs Ema
We've done many "one for one" belly punching videos in the past following our motto "realistic but not real" to spare our models brutal belly punishment, but this time around Ema and Gypsy tossed the safety rules out the window and decided to have a real go at it, to decide once and for all who has the toughest belly. No joke, these two wild women hammer away at each other throughout the video, often taunting each other, daring the other to go ahead and hit harder because the return punch will be equally as brutal. It's a cat and mouse game to see who can out belly punch the other before the scheduled end of the video where we finish it off in our typical manner, depending who actually comes out ahead in their real competition. Needless to say, these two wild women are bound for mutual destruction!
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LF168 - JEZABEL'S BEATDOWN - featuring Pixie vs Jezabel Knight
Femfightbound's Jezabel Knight steps up to the plate to face off against Ladyfist's pit bull in dreads, Pixie. Displaying a lack of respect for Pixie's abilities and skills, Jezabel bitch slaps Pixie which sends the petite red head in a maliciously sadistic tirade of brutal and cruel punishment to teach the sexy Jezabel a lesson in respect and humility..and humiliation. Crushing Jezabel's breasts, pounding her tight belly, yanking back on her hair and trying to snap her supple spine, Pixie isn't out just for the win, she's out to brutalize and destroy this upstart of a girl, once and for all..
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LF167 - BELLYBUTTON LOVE - featuring Gypsy vs Pixie
Gypsy has the beautiful belly that everyone wants... to beat on. Long slim belly, declicious belly button. But she's taken quite a beating to the belly in recent videos that she really doesn't want any further attention, especially from Pixie. The little red head has the hots for Gypsy's belly button and when Gyspy violently resists Pixie's advances, things turn ugly real quick for the tall thick haired Gypsy. KO'd early in the match, Gypsy wakes up draped across the dreaded Blue Ball of Pain for what will be a love - hate treatment by Pixie to Gypsy's belly button. The horror doesn't stop when Pixie KO's Gypsy on the ball, it's only the begining of a long and pain painful love affair of Gypsy's belly button...
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LF166 - CONFLICTED - featuring Milena vs Pixie
Ladyfist Pixie and Femfightbound Milena face off once again, but this time its on the Femfightbound battle field of choice and on Milena's home turf. In their previous battle on the mats, Pixie dominated the match against her rival but this time, Milena is sure she'll emerge victorious. Though unfamiliar with the aspect of fighting on a bed, Pixie isn't ready to back down from this contest and is determined to once again dominate her long time rival. Crushing scissors, belly punches, hair pulling, breast mauling and smothering all part of the deal, these two girls wage war on each other to decide, once and for all, who is the better woman.
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LF165 - SKINNY BITCH BEATDOWN - featuring Taylor & Penney vs Ema
Pay back is a BITCH and her name is Taylor, and this time she brought a friend.. After her beat down at the hands of Ema in video LF163, Taylor went all out on her revenge match to destroy Masked Ema's tight belly. Using various holds which leaves Ema's belly cruelly exposed, both Taylor and Penney take shot and after shot, stomp after stomp, kick after kick, forearm smashes galore and then start all over again. Its not long before Ema is beaten down to a weakened rag doll but this is where her hell begins when her two larger opponents sadistically brutalize her belly. Ema is typically the tough and capable girl but there's nothing she can do against these two big girls who have destruction on their agenda. Ema's Belly destruction.. In the end, finally enable to endure the onslaught of terror, Ema passes out from this horrible beating and is subjected to one final humiliation before the two big girls walk away triumphantly.
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LF164 - RIVALS FACE OFF - featuring Milena vs Pixie
This is a match long in the making where tough gal Milena from www.femfightbound.com had been desperately wanting to face off against Pixie from ladyfist.com.. Milena had heard so much about Pixie's victory streak here at Ladyfist so that when she heard she would have a chance to square off against the little red head in dreads, Milena jumped at the occasion to put the little pit bull from Ladyfist in her place once and for all, and do it on Pixie's preferred medium, the mats. None of this bed top stuff.. No scripts, all action, all submissions to the finish.. One girl has all the skills, the other has all the strength. Which of these two fierce competitors will persevere and get the most submissions to emerge victorious and walk away with the bragging rights..
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LF163 - BELLY MELTDOWN - featuring Ema vs Taylor
Taylor is one sexy gal who can't stand skinny bitches so she trash talks down to them any chance she gets.. and often she bites off more than she can chew. Such is the case when Taylor confronts Ema and foolishly torments the masked fighter girl about who has the best belly. Ema, being a proud no-nonsense kind of person, doesn't take kindly to Taylor's tauntings and decides to make and example of the girl, once and for all, targeting Taylor's belly and adding various humiliating moves on her bigger opponent. Ema is not one of those girls you want to have pissed off at you.. she'll only hurt you more.
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LF162 - FACE SIT SQUASH - featuring Dani vs Ryleigh
Lightweight Ryleigh agreed to take on heavyweight Dani for a match on the bed top and the naive young lady thought that Dani's size would make her slow and easy to take down for the win.. But what Ryleigh didn't know is that Dani is a renown face sitter.. the vicious kind.. who typically only takes out her frustrations on male victims. We asked Dani to be gentle with Ryleigh but as you'll see, Ryleigh is the author of her own demise as she insults Dani and then has to suffer the repeated and constant humiliation of being face by one of the best and being breast and foot smothered to add salt to her wounds. Poor Ryleigh never saw it coming and Dani wasn't going to let her escape..
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LF161 - CHANCE ENCOUNTER - featuring Pixie vs Renata
When rival web sites Ladyfist and Femfightbound fighter girls finally got a chance to tangle, Pixie took the challenge and started to take names and squash her opposition. What started off as a friendly rivalry soon broke out into a war as the topless fighters of Femfightbound fought it out with tough gal Pixie on their own turf. The first match sees Pixie face off with the Russian Beauty Renata on top of the FFB apt bed, for a brutal back and forth battle for bragging rights.
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LF160 - BLACK & BLUE - featuring Gypsy vs Pixie & Taylor
Pixie and Taylor are discussing the upcoming model casting call for bikini models when 5'8" red head Gypsy strolls in and announces she won't be doing tonight's fight shoot to avoid bruises, as she's gotten the modeling job. Adding that they shouldn't bother because of their lack of height doesn't help... Not taking too kindly to the insult, both shorter women grab a hold of Gypsy and lay such a vicious and brutal beatdown on their hapless victim, ensuring she won't be much use as a model due to all the bruises she'll be sporting when they're done with her. Get ready for one hell of a rough ride as the little girls destroy their taller opponent.
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LF159 - BAD HAIR DAY II- featuring Gypsy vs Pixie
5'10" Gypsy, with her lusciously long thick red hair knows she's got the best hair around here and isn't afraid to flaunt it in Pixie's face which turns out to be a huge mistake as the 5'0" red in dreads is more than ready to show Gypsy how wrong she is about the hair. Brutalizing and torturing her taller opponent, Pixie is hell bent in making sure Gypsy remembers this fight as the worse hair day she's ever had!
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LF158 - KNEED TO SUBMIT - featuring Pixie vs Ema
Pixie didn't get enough satisfaction from her last encounter with Ema, but this time the little hell cat in dreads is hell bound to kick Ema off the ladyfist roster once and for all by going after the masked girl's legs, specifically her knees! Pixie is known for her powerful legs, how she can crush her victims but her infamous Figure Four Leg Locks are sure to cripple anyone not wise enough to submit early. Pixie challenges Ema to a bet that she would be able to make Ema submit to her Figure Four Leg Lock and if she does, Ema has to leave and never come back. Foolishly, Ema agrees and falls into Pixie's well laid trap! Poor Ema, will this be the end of the Masked Fighter Girl?
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LF157 - AB SLUG FEST - featuring Pixie vs Ema
Ema sports some of the hardest abs ever seen here at Ladyfist and she's not afraid to let everyone know it either.. When Pixie and Ema are warming up for their next fight match with situps, Ema can't help but torment Pixie of her inability to keep up with her, even going as far as giving the petite red head a loud and painful slap to the belly. Enfuriated, Pixie knows she has to shut down this braggart bitch with the rock hard abs quick betfore she gets out of hand. Delivering her own gut busting punch to Ema's belly, Pixie is now ready to detroy her opponent with belly punches, but only if she can herself survive Ema's brutal fists to the belly as well. These two tenacious women will fight it out until only one walks away victorious, leaving the other writhing on the floor, belly brutally devastated..
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LF156 - BEST KO - featuring Pixie vs Taylor
When Pixie takes exception at Taylor's claims that her 'assets' could KO people better than Pixie's choke holds, the little fiery red head takes up the challenge and the battle is set. See who can KO the other more with their prefered weapon of choice, face sitting smothering or choke holds. Back and forth they go, taking one loss after another, and before too long one of these determined ladies start taking too many KOs and isn't able to recovery well enough to continue with her fight until it's too late and she stays down for the count for good. Only one shall walk away victorious as the other is left sleeping the deep sleep, flat on her back, tits to the sky.
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LF155 - HUMILIATED & DEFEATED - featuring Raven vs Taylor
Raven is back again and this time she's facing Taylor in their first competitive fight match. Totally unscripted and all real action, these two ladies throw caution to the wind and lunge at each other with all they have looking to get as many submissions as possible. One girl gets frustrated that she's unable to stand up to her adversary and breaks down crying after her first submission, and later resorts to hidden dirty tactics which sends Raven flying off the handle at the end of the match. Raven's a nice gal but man, she really got pissed at the end and made sure Taylor would never forget what happened. We're not sure if Taylor will be back after that humiliating finish, it was vicious and nasty. This match exemplifies why we don't like doing real comp matches around here... people get hurt, people get abused..
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LF154 - RAVEN's BELLY BEATDOWN - featuring Raven vs Ema (Custom Video)
The Masked Raven is back to defend her honour when Masked Ema challenged her to a belly punching contest. But instead of the usual one for one punch rule, they opted for the more dangerous 5 punches per turn rule. Driving their fists deep and hard into their opponent's belly, combining hard hits with deep penetrating punches, the war of attrition is on between these two tough competitors as they battle hard trying to beat the other girl down.. but in the end, only one shall emerge victorious.
Ema walks in on Raven's abs workout and quickly gets to the point. These two ladies know why they are here and it's to bang bellies as hard as they can to make their opponent submit. And they waste no time as Raven starts the show with a brutally hard punch to Ema's tight abs. After 5 ferocious hits, Ema sizes up Raven's sensuous belly and drills her five shots as hard and as deep as she can go.. But both girls are fit to continue for the next round. Back and forth they go, battering away at each other's belly, hoping the other submits before she does.
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LF153 - INHERITANCE ASSETS - featuring Taylor vs Pixie (Custom Video)
The inheritance story is back again, and this time Taylor plays the innocent young lady who inherited a large fortune from her late parents but her leacherous step-sister is out for more than all of the inheritance, she also wants a lot of Taylor. After lusting after Taylor all these years, and now with a large fortune at stake, Pixie made plans to make Taylor disapear so she can have all the money to herself. But after discovering the evil plot, Taylor got her plan into play, hoping to get Pixie far and away, never to cause any more problems for her. But as always, something goes wrong with Taylor's plans and she is now having to fight off a half drunken and totally leacherously horny step-sister who has nothing more on her mind than getting her paws on her sexy step-sister.
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LF152 - SORE LOSER - featuring Pixie vs Ema
Fans have been asking for a real match amongst the Ladyfist girls for quite some time but that's not what we're about, we do 'realistic but not real' pro style fantasy matches. But when Ema took offense at Pixie this week, we decided that these two hell cats should settle their differences in a sporting manner. The gauntlet was tossed down, picked up and bitch slapped back to the challenger. This is one of our first totally unscripted, non-choreographed and all unpredictable real matches between two bitter rivals. The name of the game? Get as many submissions as possible. Unfortunately, someone didn't like the outcome and tried to even the score but fails.
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LF151 - ENTANGLED - featuring Gypsy vs Ema
Ema wasn't impressed with her last match that saw Taylor rip a chunk of her hair out so when the taller Gypsy gets into Ema's face about it, the raven haired beauty decides that now is the time to make a statement with an exclamation point. What was supposed to be another 'hair pulling match' eventually broke down into a war of attrition between these two ladies, tossing the script out the window and trading body punches, face slapping, breast mauling, scissors and vicious and sadistic torture until finally one girl has to submit and face a most humiliating defeat.
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LF150 - BAD HAIR DAY - featuring Ema vs Taylor
There's a new bully in town and her name is Taylor. She may not be the best skilled fighter out there but Taylor has such a vicious streak in her that it will most likely win her the day, no matter whom she faces. And when Ema got into Taylor's face the fur started to fly, quite literally! Both girls latched on to the other's hair and wouldn't let go. Ema's raven black hair mixing in with Taylor's lighter hair down onto the floor as both women fight to the end to see who has the toughest hair around here.. And the ending results in one of these beautiful women loosing a good chunk of hair for her troubles.
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LF149 - TAYLOR'S ASS'ETS - featuring Taylor vs Absynthe
Absynthe gets owned, lock stock and barrel when she gets into Taylor's face about who has the nicest 'assets. Taylor doesn't take too kindly to anyone raining down on her parade so she's more than happy to put Absynthe in her proper place, under Taylor's own assets!
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LF148 - TO ME, SUBMIT!! - featuring Pixie vs Gypsy
There is no better music to Pixie's ears than another victim screaming her submission to Pixie's superior skills and abilities, and when that victim is that much taller, then the sweeter the tune! We're getting used to Pixie taking down much larger opponents but when 5'8" Gypsy showed for her match against 5'0" Pixie, we thought for sure that the little Pit Bull Pixie will finally getting her ass handed back to her. But unfortunately for the inexperienced Gypsy, Pixie got the jump on her opponent and it was all down hill from there for poor Gypsy. Targeting the taller girl's thick luscious hair, Pixie wanted to make a statement with beating down Gypsy. And to make her submit!
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LF147 - TAYLOR'D BEATDOWN - featuring Pixie vs Taylor
The new girl Taylor steps up to face Pixie, Ladyfist's dangerous little vixen. New to the roster, 5'6" Taylor has it in her head that not only can she beat her smaller opponent but make Pixie suffer and take her rightful place back down into the Jobber Girl category, where so many think she belongs. But never fear, the red head in dreads isn't going anywhere and in keeping with the old adage of "Go BIG or Stay Home", Pixie tears a strip off of Taylor in so many sadistic ways, not sparing the new girl ANY of her evil ways. Poor Taylor never saw this coming in her wildest dreams!
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LF146 - BELLY BUTTON TAG - featuring Pixie vs Absynthe
Both Absynthe and Pixie were set up to 'break in' a new girl this evening but when the newbie failed to show, this left our veteran fighter girls quite frustrated! So they took it out on each other, quite literally. While Pixie is doing her pre-fight stretches, the rebellious Absynthe drops in a sneak attach to Pixie's vulnerably exposed belly with a big fist, sending the petite red head crashing to the mats. And thus starts the most punishing and sadistic belly button tag war we've seen in a long time. No script, just wild hatred as both girls battle it out to the bitter end where hopefully one will emerge victorious.
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LF145 - FURious BeatDown - featuring Wynter vs Cassy
One of Cassy's adoring fans sent the young lady a cute fur coat for the upcoming winter months( albeit a faux fur) and she went around bragging about it which ended up pissing off everyone, especially Wynter! When Cassy was told to shut up about her coat, the petite red head didn't take kindly to Wynter's pushing her weight around and all out war broke out. Needless to say, size does matter in this fight and Cassy soon finds herself on the losing end of a bad proposition. Wynter has a nasty side of her and Cassy is about to find out how nasty it can really get!
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LF144 - Figure Four Leg Lock Compilation II - featuring Aiden - Bobbie Blush - Kitty Kaos - Masked Raven and Pixie
Fans and members alike responded well from our previous compilation Video and they've asked for even MORE figure four leg locks in Compilation Video. Featuring the dangerous villains from the past and present, and often adding a little extra spice to their version of the dreaded Figure Four Leg Lock, the Ladyfist Ladies are sure to entertain you as they brutalize and humiliate their unlucky victims.
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LF143 - BOUND FOR DEFEAT- featuring Raven vs Pixie
The girls are at it again and this time they mean business. No more pussy-footing around with silly scripts or predetermined outcomes. This is the match that will settle the score once and for all between these two hell cats. Bound together at the wrists, and no where to run and no where to hide, this fight is to the finish. Though a severe height difference, this doesn't hinder Pixie's ability to wage war on her most hated foe, Raven. This battle is non-stop action from start to finish, no script, no interference and no breaks. They go all out for the win.
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LF142 - 'ABS'SOLUTE LOSER - featuring Pixie vs Raven - Custom Video
There has never been much love between petite red head Pixie and the Masked Raven who always looked down her elfish-sized opponent (her words, not mine). While working on her abs, Pixie is interrupted by Raven, who taunts the little girl. Finally fed up with her much taller opponent, Pixie challenges Raven to a belly punching contest, 3 rounds, 5 punches per session until a loser is determined, and will submit to being the winner's bitch for a whole month!! But try as she may, Pixie can't keep it clean and before the competition closes, she sneak attacks Raven with a sleeper hold. When Raven wakes up, she finds her arms tied up with her belly cruelly exposed for what Pixie really had in mind, a belly beat down.. all one sided.. and brutal!
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LF141 - Figure Four Leg Lock Compilation - featuring Absynthe - Aiden - Lexus and Renee
32 minutes of Figure Four Leg Lock Action in 5 clips featuring various Ladyfist fighters..
from our Members' Clips Area!.
Every since we started our "compilation" video series, requests have been pouring in from fans and members alike wanting to see specific holds or their favourite fighter girls featured.. So with this video release we have the impressive and painful Figure Four Leg Lock being applied to a few girls..
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LF140 - Eviction Notice - featuring Pixie vs Absynthe - Custom Video
Pixie and Absynthe, at the best of times, are bitter rivals. However, Pixie owns the apartment building Absynthe resides in, and Pixie hates having her rival as a tenant but in these hard times, she's got to take anyone who is able to pay the rent.. even if that person is an ignorant bitch like Absynthe.. When Pixie comes to pick up this week's rent, Absynthe treats her like a bitch after paying her.. But unknown to Absynthe, Pixie overhears her telling her friend on the phone that Absynthe had been paying with phony bills all this time. Furious and enraged, Pixie challenges Absynthe to a beat all win all fight but she's quickly sucker punched and dropped to the floor.. Thinking she's won it all, Absynthe is caught by Pixie's sucker punch and now the enraged and frustrated red head takes out all her anger on poor little Absynthe.. Brutal belly punches, KO punches to the face and malicious evil attacks await petite Absynthe.. Even the dreaded Blue Ball of Pain comes out for this video.. Absynthe bit off more than she can chew with Pixie.. and pays dearly!
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LF139 - Bunny Belly Beatdown - featuring Bunny vs Absynthe
Bunny came into this fight without taking it seriously, as if it were to be all fun and games. What she didn't realize is that Absynthe finally gets to chance to play the hell against a slightly smaller opponent, especially one with so little experience in the ways of Ladyfist! After being the consumate Jobber Girl all these years, Absynthe now gets the chance to vent out all her rage and frustrations on her new unsuspecting opponent Bunny. Cute, tiny and petite, Bunny will make the perfect Jobber Girl.. After Absynthe is finished with her that is. With vicious and sadistic glee, Absynthe pounds the living hell out of Bunny's belly with fists, elbows, knees, feet.. and when she tires of hitting the belly, Absynthe aims for Bunny's tender lovely breasts. Cheap shots, hair pulls, belly blasting devastation.. all in one action packed video! You'll not want to miss this one!
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LF138 - When HELL Freezes Over - featuring Erin vs Pixie
5'0" Pixie fought long and hard to avoid the Jobber Girl role around here by beating down some tougher and bigger opponents. But this time, the fiesty little red head squares off against 5'8" Erin for the first time and she knows the taller girl is out to make an example out of Pixie, to try and put her in her rightful place. Though it's a see-saw battle through the first part, Erin manages to use her powerful skills against Pixie but the never say die defiant little girl won't go down without a fight. And what a fight! Both women won't back down and neither will submit to the other.. When all seems lost for Pixie, with no escape in sight, she's asked if she's ready to submit.. her reply "When HELL freezes over" infuriates Erin who now sets off to torture and punish her smaller victim.. However, though the odds are stacked against her, Pixie will fight tooth and not go down easily...
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LF137 - Once and For All - featuring Absynthe vs Bunny - Custom Video
Beautiful innocent and naive Bunny and her lecherously sleazy step sister Absynthe are toe to toe over who will be the sole beneficiary of their family's huge fortune and estates. Absynthe, who has the hots for her sexy step sister, has already made evil plans for her sister.. But Bunny has plans of her own.. Knowing Absynthe has the hots for her, she lures her lecherous sister to her home and sets the trap! But something goes wrong and Absynthe is now even more lecherous and sleazy and Bunny has to fight her roving hands and advances like never before! In desperation, Bunny discovers that by face sitting her step sister, no matter how revolting it is to her and pleasurable it is to Absynthe, the hold does hold her horny sister down. Though enjoying it at first, Absynthe soon discovers her innocent sister isn't so naive after all... and she's the one in peril!
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LF136 - Absynthe Compilation - featuring Absynthe vs Lexus, Bobbie, Lily and Nikki
Ever since Absynthe stepped on our mats, she's had a viciously horrible time trying to defend herself against sadistically vicious opponents, thus earning her moniker of "Jobber Girl". No matter what she tried, Absynthe usually ends up with the short end of the stick and pays a horrible price when she actually tries to stand up for herself. In this video, she's stomped, bent, punched, KOd, RagDolled, Low blows, back broken and cruelly destroyed.. This is a video for all Absynthe fans to enjoy.
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LF135 - BeatDown Strip - featuring Sarah vs Pixie
Arrogant and hateful Pixie has it in for her rival Sarah, the beautiful brunette with the sexy muscles. Knowing fully well that Sarah had already indicated a 'no-topless' clause for now for fight work, Pixie wants to humiliate her opponent by wanting Sarah to show what must be deliciously perky breasts. But Sarah, already leery of Pixie's tendencies towards humiliating her opponents, fears that she will be fighting for more than just her survival, but for her dignity as she does not want to lose her top in this fight.. But what Pixie wants, Pixie usually gets!
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LF134 - Red Belly Up II - featuring Pheonix vs Pixie (Custom Video)
After their last encounter in LF128 Red Belly I, Pixie wanted another go at Pheonix's sexy but sensitive belly button. Still remembering her last belly button beatdown, Pheonix isn't in any hurry to have anyone touch her belly button again. Pixie convinces her red headed opponent that it would benifit her in the long run as it would tougher her up.. besided, Pixie says she'll even let Pheonix do the same to her afterwards.. What follows is a belly button work out, with fingers probbing deep, stretching belly buttons, and slapping bellies until they turn pink. Both girls have to suffer the other girl's sadistic training methods. There's no gain if there's no pain..
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LF133 - Muscle Jobber Girl featuring Pheonix vs Sarah
At 5'4", the soft spoken but powerfully built and sexy Sarah came to us looking for a fight against anyone we wanted to throw at her. The poor girl honestly thought that her strength and physique would more than compensate for her lack of fighting skills. 5'6" flaming red haired Pheonix took the challenge as she wanted to turn Sarah into our newest Jobber Girl, whether she liked it or not. Sarah, arrogant and full of confidence will soon find her expectations shattered as she's dragged under the bus called Pheonix that is heading for downtown "hurtville". Poor Sarah should have known better, now she has to try and survive Pheonix's brutality and what will be a humiliating beat down and an equally humiliating ending.
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LF132 - Go Big or Stay Home featuring Pheonix vs Pystole
5'6" red haired Pheonix isn't impressed with her diminutive opponent Pystole, who barely makes it to the 5'0" mark. When challenged, Pystole tells Pheonix she should 'go big or stay home' and the war is on! Though she is tiny, Pystole packs one hell of a punch and when trapped, she's best described as an enraged wolverine. So even if you think you have her in your grasp, she can easily turn on you and make you regret your move. However, Pheonix, being bigger and more experienced, figures she's got the advantage and this match should be a walk over. But petite Pystole isn't going down without a fight and will make her taller opponent pay for every inch of ground taken. This is one hell of a battle of attrition where only one will emerge victorious.
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LF131 - Jobber Girl Wars II featuring Absynthe vs Pixie
Pixie is strutting tall and cocky after kicking the shit out Absynthe during their last encounter, she shows no fear or concern towards Absynthe. So when Absynthe challenges her to an "arching" competition, Pixie falls for the oldest trick in the book.. and Absynthe wrote the book! Wham and down goes Pixie, a vicious gut punch that knocks the breath and fight out of the red haired vixen. Now it's time for Absynthe to show the new upstart what it's really like to be a Jobber Girl around here.. Yeah so what if Pixie had a few wins under her belt recently, Absynthe is here to set the record straight and show everyone what Pixie really is.. a weak ass Jobber Girl. Revenge is a bitch, and her name is Absynthe!
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LF130 - Jobber Girl Wars I featuring Pixie vs Absynthe
Absynthe is back and she's just not impressed with the new Jobber Girl, Pixie. And to be honest, Pixie is just not impressed with Absynthe either so the feeling is as mutual as the hatred one feels for the other. Absynthe asked for a match with the newcomer because she wanted to show Pixie what it's like to be a proper jobber girl and she's woman enough to show her.. But Absynthe had been away for a while and things have changed around here and she soon found herself on the receiving end of one of the most vicious and merciless beat downs she's experienced to date. Pixie, always looking to make a name for herself, is more than happy to show Absynthe the error of her ways..
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LF129 TIGRA COMPILATION - featuring Tigra vs Bobbie Blush, Nikki and Lily
All time favourite Ladyfist Jobber Girl title goes to none other that Tigra. This petite little red head won the hearts of some many fans in the past years, that they've asked for a compilation video of her fun moments with us from the past. Tiny as she was, Tigra had a toughness and a 'never say never' attitude that compelled her to try and win no matter what the costs, and she did it with her own style.. usually at a high price.
For all you Tigra fans out there, this video is for you!
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LF127 - Shadow Box Beatdown - featuring Pixie vs Pixie
Pixie, feeling high about her recent wins decides that the only person worthy of fighter her.. is herself. We're not sure what she was thinking but when this tough little 5'0" red head decided to shadow box for her fans, she somehow ended up getting her ass beaten down, getting bruised and banged up in the process. Pixie would weave and duck, punch and jab, uppercuts and crosses and somehow gets tagged by her own shadow, dropping the little girl to the floor in a lump. When she gets up, the confused Pixie is sporting new bruises and lumps to her face. Back and forth Pixie battles her own shadow in this strange fight until finally, sweaty, bruised and exhausted, Pixies goes down for the count.. Yes, the only person worthy of beating down Pixie, is her own shadow.. Go figure.
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LF126 - PRIZE FIGHT - featuring Pixie vs Pheonix
After her stunning win over street fighter Pystole, Jobber Girl Pixie is jubilant and on a feel good high after finally making her mark (on Pystole's body) over her tougher and often bigger opponents. As she's bragging to her fans about her never going to be a jobber girl again, Pixie is rudely interrupted by Pheonix. With her thick red hair, this gorgeous 5'6" hell cat wants to show Pixie the error of her ways. Determined not to lose another match, Pixie attacks Pheonix and the two girls brawl it out to a conclusive end. Vicious and brutal, neither women wanted to lose and both wanted to win.
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LF125 - Tiny Dominance - featuring Pixie vs Pystole
We're often asked for a fight video where the girls are allowed to fight for real, an unscripted fight. Well, here we have such a video for those fans. Our two smallest and feisty fighter girls, Pixie and Pystole face off to determine who can put who down to the mat. Rules were simple.. no punching. Hair and breasts attacks were permitted (and encouraged). Everything else was left up to their devices. We had no idea who would win this match when we started, and only the length of fight determined who would be the winner.
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LF124 - Ratted out - featuring Lily vs Absynthe (custom video)
Absynthe IS back and this time she's trying to find out if Lily is responsible for the recent rash of robberies in her area. Hired by the police to get information on Lily, Absynthe clumsily sets up a recording device to trap Lily but she's soon discovered and is now subjected to an unrelenting and vicious beat down like only Lily can deliver. Sadist, cruel, and some how sensuous as she brutally destroys petite Absynthe's belly in this humiliating return of the Jobber Girl Absynthe.
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LF123 PAINFUL INHERITANCE - featuring Pixie vs Pierce (custom video)
The siblings are at it again! This time, Pierce is determined to get it all. However, his sister Pixie discovers his evil plot to do away with her so he can claim to whole inheritance for himself. Pixie's plan is simple; lure her lecherous brother to house, slip him a mickey and have his useless carcass shipped to the Amazon (again!). But once again, the dosage was faulty and Pierce awakens confused, more lecherous than before and single minded in what he wants: Pixie! The struggle for survival is long drawn out as Pixie fends of her brother's happy hands and ends up finally getting him down and out. As disgusting as it is for Pixie, she discovers a good face sit will keep him down for good!
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LF122 - Jobber Girls Back Breakers - featuring Lily vs Tigra / Lily vs Miko / Mayden vs Miko
This is a compilation Full Video Download by popular demand..
with several all time favourite themes: (A) Jobber Girls (B) Back Breakers (C) KO's (D) Lily's seductively evil manner of abusing her victims and (E) Mayden's brutal and sadistic enjoyment of her task at hand. What a perfect combination! There are 5 different clips in this compilation, 3 with Lily vs Tigra doing a variety of back breakers with a couple of KOs. the 4th clip is Lily vs Miko as she tests the little girl's bendability. And finally but not least is Mayden showing her fans how to properly tune in a jobber girl like Miko. Whereas Lily can create a sense of sexual tension when she tortures her victims, Mayden is all business as she sadistically punishes them.
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LF121 - Fighting Back - Pixie vs Raven
Once again Pixie finds herself squaring off against a much larger opponent and she's simply sick and tired of getting pushed around as always. But not this time, this little girl is fighting back and she's throwing rule book out the window and throwing caution to the wind as she engages in one of our most heated non-scripted battles to date. Yes, Pixie might be petite but she's freaky strong as Raven will soon find out. The punches fly, the hair gets yanks, backs bents, breasts mauled and everything else is fair game. As they say in these parts, there is no such thing as a fair fight. Raven discovers this won't be a cake walk and she's fighting against a determined and wild woman looking to make a name for herself. Pixie is fighting back for her life but Raven plans to put a stop to it.. once and for all.
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LF120 No Mercy Beatdown - Pixie vs Pheonix & Raven
Pixie needs to redeem herself after the last vicious beaten by Lily. So when Pixie was wrestling the returning Raven for a match, she decided to throw some real punches in to show everyone how tough she is. She's tiny but she hits hard. Luckily for Raven, Pheonix was waiting for her turn on the mats and the sexy red head decided she should save her friend and help her show the little upstart a lesson or two. What follows is one of the most vicious and sadistically brutal beatdowns we've ever seen here, and we've see a lot of them. Watch what happens with two veteran 5'8" hellcats rip apart a petite little 5'1" newbie, and teach her a humiliating lesson about respect..
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LF 119 |
LF118 STUPID BITCH! - Cassy vs Lily
Lily, the tough librarian faces off against an equally vicious opponent, Cassy. there's hatred in their eyes and brutality in their hearts as both ladies clash to determine who will rule supreme around here. Don't let Cassy's smaller size fool you, she might be tiny but as Lily will soon find out, there is a hell of a lot of fighter in this small package. But when trash talking turns to mounting humiliation, one of these ladies will suffer the dire consequence of pushing her opponent too far.
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LF117 - Bitch, SUBMIT! - Cassy vs Melody
Once again, Melody feels the need to prove herself and once again issues a defiant challenge that she's ready to kick ANYONE's ass.. When she's matched up with the much smaller Cassy, Melody can barely contain her contempt as she tries to go through her opening lines for this video. Melody should have checked out Cassy's previous videos as the petite long haired red head is one of the meanest most vicious hell cats on the roster and she takes immense pleasure in beating the living hell out of poor Melody. Cassy predicts Melody will indeed submit to her before the fight is over, one way or another, Melody will submit.
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LF116 - Boxed In - Melody vs Pheonix
Melody has been on the receiving end of some vicious beat downs lately but she's not backing down from no one, especially her rival Pheonix who shows up with boxing gloves and challenges her small would be victim to a boxing match. Melody, who doesn't know how to box, bare knuckle sucker punches the gloved Pheonix first to set the red haired beauty up for an incredible one sided beat down. Though Melody doesn't know how to box, she's more than happy to accommodate Pheonix's request and beat the hell out of her with the gloves on.. that is after tying Pheonix's hands behind her back, with her gloves' laces! Let the punching begin!
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LF 115 |
LF114 - AB Destruction of Pheonix - Lily vs Pheonix
Simply put, Lily is as vicious a bitch as there ever was around here and she's damn proud of it. Quiet librarian by day, sadistic bitch by night. When Lily encountered Pheonix the other week there was a love-hate relationship right away.. where Lily would love to hate the sexy girl with thick red hair. And she would make Pheonix suffer only for the pure enjoyment of it.. Lily's enjoyment of course.
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LF 113 |

LF112 - Cassy's Hat - Cassy vs Nina (custom video)
Cassy's number one fan recently sent her a hat and hoodie as a gift and Cassy loves it. Knowing that it makes the other girls jealous is an added bonus. She knows she's gorgeous with her sweet body, long hair and beautiful eyes. But when Nina comes in, she's not impressed with Cassy and sets off to make an example of this little girl. Though Nina is almost twice Cassy's size, the little girl doesn't go down without a fight but it's an uphill fight to the end where Cassy ends up being repeatedly knocked out, scissored, straddled, belly punched and bent. Tall, beautiful and sexy Nina wants Cassy to know that to brag around here means paying a price, in pain and suffering.
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LF111 - Destroyed Belly Button - Cassy vs Lily and Nina (custom video)
Cassy is new around here and her fans absolutely love her tight little belly and beautiful belly button. She's not shy telling everyone how great her belly button is. Unfortunately, she also caught the attention of Lily and Nina who can't stand anyone who thinks they are better than they. And the girls are going to show Cassy how un-sexy her belly button is.. Un-sexy, that is, when they are done with her! Poor Cassy is in for a most vicious and brutal one sided 2on1 beat down belly destruction like we've not seen in a long time.
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LF108 to LF 110 |
LF107 - Failed Again - Aiden & Lily vs Absynthe
Absynthe is still steaming over the beat down she took from Lily a while back, all because she's a book worm and gets better grades than Lily. Well this time, Absynthe solicits the help of the Maniacal Diva, Aiden to help set a trap to double team Lily. A nice plan but for all her book smarts, Absynthe lacks the street smarts that would have warned her about the ambush she soon walks into. A vicious and severely brutal 2 on 1 beat down awaits our little Absynthe. And does she ever suffer pain and suffering and another humiliating defeat... again.
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LF106 - Nature BeatDown - Aiden vs Absynthe
Simple put, Aiden goes above and beyond the expected when she comes home on summer vacation and finds out Absynthe had been talking trash about Aiden. Poor Absynthe thought Aiden was gone for good but not the case this time. Aiden is more than happy to demonstrated to the petite little girl the meaning of pain and suffering, and this time its out in the woods where no one can hear you scream.
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LF105 - Amber's Tickle - Amber vs Erin & Wynter
When new girl Amber shows up to find out about working with us, she was quite intimidated by both Wynter and Erin. But these two veterans decided they wanted to 'play' with Amber so they convinced her that they could do a simple and easy 'tickle fight' video with her, just to easer Amber into the way of thing. Unfortunately, Amber is exceptionally ticklish and both Erin and Wynter were in their element to torture their new little victim. What started off as a fun and easy training fight for Amber soon turned into a nightmare of torturous tickling mixed with brutal belly punching and KOs until finally the dangerous duo humiliate their unconscious victim with a well placed foot in the face domination.
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LF104 - DeFEETed - Absynthe vs Erin
Cute petite Absynthe is feeling happy that her fans love her feet so she plays it up to the camera to tease them. But when Erin walks in and start bitching at Absynthe for being such a prissy shit about it, Absynthe gets pissed and tells Erin off. Unimpressed by Absynthe's boasting, Erin threatens to make Absynthe 'eat her own feet' but Absynthe counters by promising Erin that by the time she's done kicking her ass, she'll make Erin kiss her feet! And the fight is on!
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LF103 - Wynter of Discontent - Wynter vs Erin
BBW Wynter, confident that she could easily take down her thinner opponent certainly got a suprise when Erin didn't stay down but kept fighting back. It's unfortunately for Wynter who really wanted to get even with Erin over some previous squabble but you know how it goes, the toughest bitch wins and Wynter came up short. Not to miss an opportunity to put Wynter in her place, Erin made sure Wynter would suffer a humiliating defeat. Too bad Wynter wasn't awake for it. But she'll see the video and we all know how PayBack can be a bigger bitch!
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LF102 |
LF101 - Red Ball Beat Down - Iron Mayden vs Miko
Poor Miko never learned to stay away from Mayden after their last encounter. She naively walks in as Mayden is admiring her new exercise ball. When asked by Miko what the ball was for, Mayden jumps Miko to KO the little girl with a sleeper hold and proceeds to demonstrate for the next 38 minutes what the ball is for. When Miko wakes up, she's arched over the ball, wrists bound to ankles and no way out from the brutally savage beating Mayden has in store for this helpless little girl, Miko.
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LF100 - Birthday Beat down - Iron Mayden vs Miko
Our Anniversary video LF100 comes at the same time as Miko's birthday so why not? The pretty and petite little Miko turned 20 and was out celebrating this evening and came home all excited and bubbly wanting to show Mayden what the girls gave her as a gift. Unfortunately, the dangerous Iron Mayden is in one hell of a foul mood and can't stand Miko to start with so help get herself into a better mood, Mayden decides to give Miko a birthday gift she will never forget. Nor will you!
One side beatdown with belly punching, back breakers and more.
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