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LF299 - BEATDOWN GIGGLES - featuring Bobbie Blush vs Zoe
From the archives of the Members Video Vault of years past, the trash talking mean queen Bobbie Blush takes on the smaller opponent Zoe in a one for one belly punching contest. Trading belly punches that land harder than she expected, Bobbie reverts to her cheating ways and makes Zoe suffer with now a one sided belly punching and belly button beatdown before punishing her with breast mauls and low blows. The later half of the video, Bobbie decides to tickle torture her smaller opponent, leaving her gasping for breath. But when it's Zoe's turn to tickle Bobbie, the brunette's weakness is revealed as Bobbie can't take any amount of tickling and suffers under Zoe's retaliation.
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LF298 - BENT and BEATEN - featuring Sarah vs Pixie
From the archives of the Members Video Vault of years past, tough petite Pixie takes on a taller opponent. With years of fighting experience, Pixie destroys Sarah with cruel grinding holds to methodically torture her less experienced opponent. Stretching Sarah over her back, crushing her neck in a triangle scissor lock, breaking her spine and stretching her out, Pixie finishes her opponent off with dirty cheap shots and gut punches before she's finished with her victim. But Sarah wasn't done.. waiting till the cameras were turned off, Sarah gets her revenge, humiliating Pixie in the process...
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LF297 - HAMMERED AIDEN - featuring Velvet Hammer vs Aiden
From the archives of the Members Video Vault of years past, fan favourite and tough gal Velvet Hammer ruled the roost before equally tough gal Aiden showed up at the Ladyfist House. A classic show down was brewing for a long time and when these two hell cats finally tangled it up, all hell breaks loose!
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LF296 - FALSE HOPE - featuring Naomi vs Parker
Petite Naomi dives right in a match against newcomer Parker for a match to the finish. Figuring she can take that much taller fighter, Naomi hopes that her previous match experiences will help her gain her first win but it doesn't take long before the long limbed tough gal Parker puts the smaller Naomi in her proper place... on the receiving end of a one sided beatdown. With lots of hair pulling to control her opponent, Parker targets Naomi's belly with brutal belly button torture and then devastating punches deep into the petite girl's gut. Confident she has her opponent completely helpless, Parker back breaks her opponent and continues with the belly destruction, demanding that the petite fighter submits...
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LF295 - UNDERESTIMATED - featuring Revy vs Leia
Tough girl Revy accepted this match against the new girl Leia with the understanding that the long haired beauty would be the next in-house Jobber Girl. As Revy starts putting her opponent through the paces of a one sided beatdown with a painful camel clutch with breast mauling, Leia decides that she really doesn't want to be the loser in this match and turns the tables on Revy, catching her larger opponent by surprise. Not happy with this turn of events, Revy goes on the attack but soon discovers that this petite beauty has a lot of fight left in her and that this is going to be an all out war before one of them is declared the winner. But once Revy discovers Leia weakness, she goes in for the finish with a torturous round of tickling that leaves the new girl crumpled on the floor like a discarded ragged doll. Having made her point, Revy isn't done quite yet! A quick stomp to the guts and a last minute spine snapping back breaker sends the message home to the new girl!
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LF294 - CANON FODDER - featuring Sadie Smackdown vs Naomi
Sadistic Sadie has her sights set on petite Naomi as her next victim. Always needing fresh meat to perfect her craft of torturing her victims, Sadie sees Naomi as nothing else than canon fodder on her quest to the top. Right from the beginning, Naomi is on the wrong end of the beat down stick as Sadie puts the petite fighter through one agonizingly torturous and grinding hold after another before demanding her submission. Not wanting to appear like a push over, Naomi tries her best to resist but there is little she can do to stop the brutal Juggernaut in red hair. From gut crushing scissors, to abs stretching and back breaking camel clutches, to stretching bow and arrow holds, to vicious figure four leg locks, to devastating belly punches and finally a brutal and torturous cross shoulder back breaker, Sadie adds her sadistic flavour to each hold with painful belly button torture, fish hooks and breast mauling. Poor Naomi never knew what hit her during this brutal and torturous match.
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LF293 - FRESH MEAT - featuring Sadie Smackdown vs Michea
Sadie Smackdown has left her mark on several opponents and she's ready for the next girl brave enough to meet her on the mats. Looking for fresh meat to improve skills, Sadie is more than happy to square off against gorgeous 5'8" Michea. The raven haired beauty isn't afraid of Sadie, as she knows this is all fantasy wrestling style, right? But when Michea doesn't take Sadie seriously, that's when all hell breaks loose for the new girl as the sadistic red head Sadie crushes her victim between python thighs and bends the new girl's spine with repeated and excruciatingly painful camel clutches. How long will Michea last during this match before she's forced to tap out and admit defeat...
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LF292 - SILENT BUT DEADLY - featuring Sadie Smackdown vs Revy
The mark of a champion fighter is one who will never back down from a challenge, even when they are sick.. Such was the case when the new girl Revy issued a challenge to Sadie knowing that the tough red head was just coming off the sick list and still on the weak and feeble side of things. To make matters worse for Sadie, she had lost her voice and couldn't vocalize her hatred for the new girl as she normally would. But determined to put Revy in her proper place, Sadie accepted the match. As the match ensued, Sadie's weakness is apparent, and so is Revy's inexperience on the mats. Feeling cocky and a little brazen, Revy taunts Sadie and in turn, infuriates the powerful red head who now is hell bent on destroying her new opponent. New girls just gotta learn their place around here!
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LF291 - NORTH vs SOUTH - featuring Hollywood vs Sadie Smackdown
Sadie Smackdown figures she's the toughest hellcat around, though with only the one match against a smaller opponent to her credit. To elevate her status even more, Sadie challenged Hollywood, a veteran fighter on the mats and in the ring who is as dangerous as she is beautiful. When these two ladies square off against each other on the mats, all hell breaks loose as Hollywood quickly and easily imposes her will against the less experienced Sadie, showing the new girl a hell of a lot more moves and holds than she had ever been exposed to before. Hollywood wanted to show Sadie what a real match was like and puts the red haired fighter through the ringer with various holds, moves and shots that sends Sadie reeling. Not appreciating the humiliating turn of events, Sadie goes wild and sets upon Hollywood, seeking revenge as she sets forth to destroy Hollywood with belly punches, scissors and what ever else she can come up with to embarrass her opponent. Nothing says fury like a pissed off red head!
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LF290 - TOO LITTLE, TOO WEAK - featuring Sadie Smackdown vs Desire
The tough and vicious masked Sadie Smackdown faces off against the petite Desire in this brutal back and forth match that leaves one of the fighter girls broken and defeated. Sadie is a cruel heel who simply hates girls that honestly think they are tough and she's more than ready to show them the error of their ways. With vicious back and forth hair pulling take downs, Sadie toys with her victim as she crushes her smaller opponent with scissors. Desire is confident in her fighting skills and feels she can easily take her opponent down with ease. But she soon finds herself on the wrong end of a beat down as her belly is tortured with brutal belly punches and gut squeezing scissors. Try as she may, poor Desire simply can't forestall the inevitable and she is torn apart and left gasping for air.
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LF289 - FIGURED FOR FOUR - featuring Raven, Bobbie Blush, Pixie, Phoenix,Absynthe and Lexus
This video contains 4 clips from the Members area where the vicious Ladyfist fighters apply and torture their victims with long drawn out and brutal Figure Four Leg Locks. Their victims try to hold out as long as possible but in the end, everyone has to submit to the painful humiliation of defeat as their legs are tortured in this vicious hold.
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LF288 - SLAPPED DOWN - featuring Champaign vs Origami (Custom Video)
Origami is pissed off that Champaign is putting the moves on her boyfriend and she's ready to show the raven haired trollop a thing or two. Champaign isn't easily intimidated by Origami and plans to show her boyfriend that she's not all that innocent and sweet. She plans to humiliate and beatdown her rival to show Origami's boyfriend who the best woman is. With a pre-fight interview to call each other out done with, the two ladies lock up and go to war. Ripping away at each other with vicious hair pulling and bitch slaps, the fight goes both ways as each girl takes the advantage to deliver painful slaps to her opponent before relieving her of one piece of clothing at a time. Back and forth they go, delivering painful slaps and breast mauling along the way, skin stinging red from numerous slaps until both are left topless and going for the jugular. In the end, only one will emerge as the victor while humiliating her opponent with scribblings on her skin, adding salt to the loser's wounds.
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LF287 - FAILED TRINITY TEST - featuring Trinity vs Champaign & Origami
Trinity faces off against two new girls in single combat to test their mettle. Though they are facing a much larger opponent, raven haired Champaign and red hair Origami figure they can take the big woman down, one way or another. But they didn't anticipate Trinity's vicious streak as she relentlessly beats down each of the girls in turn in separate matches. When confronting her friend, Champaign lashes out at Origami for not being able to beat Trinity and they themselves end up fighting each other in a vicious and lengthy catfight that leaves one of them incapacitated. Thinking she's the toughest girl around, Champaign finds out the hard way that Trinity wasn't quite done with the two of them before the night is over!
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LF286 - ERIKA'S BETRAYAL COMPILATION - featuring Erika vs Masked Ema
In this four clip compilation video from the past Members area, the new girl Erika faces off against the dangerous and sadistic Masked Ema. Not impressed with the new girl's happy disposition, Ema is more than ready to show Erika the perils of stepping onto the mats. With a stunning face slap, Ema goes to town on her opponent and tears the new girl apart with vicious belly punches, back breakers and face sits. Toss in some cheap shots and breast mauling, Erika is picked apart little by little. Will she survive the ordeal? Though she manages to get a few shots in of her own at the beginning of the first clip, the tenacious newcomer finally gets her licks in on Ema and she is able to school the veteran fighter at her own game in the last clip segment.
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LF285 -ABSYNTHE BEATDOWN COMPILATION - featuring Absynthe vs Delyte
In this clip compilation video from the past Members area, everyone's favourite little jobber girl Absynthe faces off against the thug, Delyte. Mean, cruel and all business, Delyete always enjoyed getting her hands on the smaller Absynthe, in more ways than one. But in spite of her petite size, Absynthe never wants to admit defeat and goes all out trying to take down the bigger girls, sometimes with terrible results. These two hell cats rip away at each other with fists, claws, cheap shots and scissors trying to bring the other down, at one point going for face punches. Most clips in this compilation are one sided matches of various lengths.
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LF284 -RELUCTANT SUBMISSION - featuring Lily vs Morgan
In this four clip compilation from the past Members area, the formidable and lecherous Lily gets her hands all over Morgan, a gal who figured she could take on Lily on the mats but she wasn't expecting Lily's wandering hands and nasty disposition. After their first tangle where they battle back and forth, Morgan gets taught a lesson as she has to submit to Lily to avoid suffering needlessly. And every round after that, pinned belly punching, torturous camel clutch and cross knee back breaker, Morgan tries as best as she can to resist Lily attempts but ends up having no other choice but to reluctantly submit each time.
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LF283 - EVERYONE HATES EMA - featuring Ema vs Pixie, Gypsy and Taylor
Masked Ema brags of her abs of steel and everyone hates Ema for it. So this 3 video clip compilation from the past Members area is all about the girls who hate Ema, and want to do something about it by destroying her rock hard abs. Long time rival Pixie gets the first crack at Ema's belly in the first clip and then for the second clip, Pixie teams up with red haired Gypsy as both girls go to town all over Ema's belly with a lot of additional holds and painful cheap shots, kicks and stomps. Finally, in the final clip segment, the sultry beauty Taylor has her way with Ema, driving her fists into Ema's rock hard abs, drilling her finger deep into Ema's belly button and rendering poor Ema down to a heap of sobbing mess from all the torture already suffered.
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LF282 - PINNED and SUBMITTED - featuring Tragedy vs Cassy
In this three clip video compilation from the past Members area, feisty petite Cassy goes up against her bigger opponent Tragedy. The girls had previous agreed to take turns sitting and straddling one another to see how easy it was to get out of this position. And if one couldn't get out of the hold, then had to suffer to encourage them to really try to get out. Full of confidence and hatred for her opponent, the long haired girl with the big attitude thinks she can take her foe down with ease but she might have bitten off more than she can chew as Tragedy won't take her beating like a good girl, and turns the tables on poor Cassy. Will size overcome a vicious temperament?
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LF281 - TIT for TAT HOOKS - featuring Dot vs Kelly (Custom Video)
Petite little Dot faces off against the giantess Kelly in this fish hook and heels battle to the finish. Being lured to the mats to face a veteran opponent, Dot wasn't prepared for the heels portion of this match and argues with Kelly to remove the heels before they engage in combat. Not a problem for Kelly as she's more than ready to simply use them as weapons of destruction. As the girls lock up, Kelly is quick to ensure Dot will suffer more than just a beat down as she uses her heels to not only inflict punishment but to render Dot topless for better access to her tender breasts. But don't let Dot's petite size fool you, she's game for a vicious fight and gives back as much as she receives. Biting, mauling and hair pulling, the girls go after one another non-stop until only one emerges victorious over the other...
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LF280 - TAKEN APART - featuring Dot vs Jordan
5'0" Jordan is more than happy to take on the new 5'2" Dot for a match on the mats, and she's more than happy to show the new girl what it's all about to be a jobber girl, the hard way as she takes Dot apart, piece by piece Showing no mercy towards her inexperienced opponent, Jordan goes for the tender parts first and then works her down to the legs, trying to cripple the new girl with a vicious Indian deathlock hold, figure 4 leg locks and what ever else she can come up with. Overwhelming Dot with brutal attacks, Jordan joyfully rips Dot apart, limb from limb, punch by punch until the poor new girl, beaten and battered has no choice but to submit to Jordan and suffer her first defeat..
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LF279 - HOOKED and DESTROYED - featuring Nikita vs Jordan (Custom Video)
Nikita had to cut her hair short a while back and she has Jordan to thank for it. Looking for revenge, the taller girl seeks to punish her smaller red haired opponent. Seeing Jordan brushing her long thick hair, Nikita goes after Jordan right away, threatening to brush all of her hair out of her scalp but the 'beast' Jordan isn't going to let that happen as Jordan takes Nikita down to the mats and the girls rip away each other with the hair brush, raking it across their opponent's tender skin. Going from one hold to another while using the dreading lip stretching fish hooking tactic, the girls aren't going to be gentle to each other as they seek to dominate and submit the other with breast mauling, biting and what ever other devious tactic they can come up with, until one ends up having to submit in howling pain, leaving her sobbing and humiliated in the end..
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LF278 - NIKITA'S LITTLE BITCH - featuring Nikita vs Jordan
Jordan feels invincible after having defeated her smaller but tough opponent Kyla in two recent matches, so she's not afraid of much larger Nikita. Not impressed by the red haired bully, Nikita is looking to put Jordan in her place and teach her a lesson. Jordan accepts the challenge and is immediately put in some rather punishing and brutal holds from start to finish of this match. But the little red head isn't going down without a fight as she struggles to survive the match as Nikita is not simply looking for an easy victory over her opponent, but also to punish and brutalize her in the process.. Will Jordan walk away victorious again, or will she even be able to walk at all after what Nikita has in store for her..? Or will Jordan become Nikita's little bitch?
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LF277 DOUBLE OR NOTHING - featuring Jordan vs Kyla
Kyla didn't enjoy her house cleaning punishment for having lost the last match against Jordan. So Jordan decides it's time to really teach Kyla a lesson by offering her the chance to redeem herself with a 'double of nothing' stakes competition. Who ever loses this contest will have to suffer cleaning the Ladyfist house for the next three months. Jordan lays out the challenges and Kyla is ready to fight it out and prove once and for all that's she's a lot tougher than she looks. but she has to at least win three contests first to even the score of her previous three round loss from the previous match in LF276. The stakes are high but Kyla is ready. The girls will test their will to win with separate rounds of Test of Strength, hair pulling, breast mauling, hangman contest and wedgies. And if the score is even at that point, the deciding contest will be an all out cat fight until one of them submits and has to suffer the humiliation of defeat, and three months of house cleaning. This will prove to be an interesting match as there is nothing more antagonistic as two red heads living under the same roof!
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LF276 REDHEAD RAGE - featuring Kyla vs Jordan
Having been portrayed as the typical 'jobber girls' in previous videos, both Kyla and Jordan have something to prove. As this is their first video fight together, they've decided that a non-scripted competitive style match would be sufficient enough to decide who is the toughest of the two. To up the stakes, they also agreed that who ever taps out or submits the most during this match will have to be the Ladyfist household maid for a month. Standing at 5'0", both girls put it all out on the line as they rip into each other's hair, breasts and bellies, seeking to submit their opponent and walk away with the knowledge of who is the toughest of the two as these two redheads rage on the mats.
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LF275 Bunny Beat-down - featuring Bunny vs Jordan
Back on the mats again is the dark eyed Bunny. Petite but full of sass, this little gal is ready to step up to the plate and make a name for herself. Facing off against Jordan, Bunny feels confident she can shake her jobber girl reputation and take down her red haired opponent. Jordan isn't ready to let Bunny have an easy ride in this match and she's ready to deliver one hell of a beat-down on the petite intruder. Tangling it up, Bunny shows she determination as she battles Jordan blow for blow, hold for hold, ripping at the hair and slamming fists into bellies.. But can the little Bunny carry this through to the end or will she face yet another horribly vicious beat-down?
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LF274 Taylor Made Beatdown - featuring Taylor vs Ema
In this three clip video compilation from the past Members area, Taylor has the pleasure of breaking in the new masked girl Ema, and she's ready to have evil fun at the new girl's expense. As the two girls square off, Ema is ready to do battle and prove herself but she's never encountered someone like Taylor and it doesn't take long for the long haired brunette to be on the receiving end of a vicious belly punching and a downright nasty beatdown as Taylor deliciously destroys Ema's belly and makes her repeatedly submit out loud as Taylor mocks and humiliates the new girl to a crying sobbing mess.
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LF273 Jobber Girl Owned - featuring Nikita vs Kayla
Petite Kayla stand but a mere 5'0" but don't let size fool you, this vicious little tigress can take down the largest of prey and finish them off like it was yesterday's lunch. But when she faces off against the newer girl, Nikita, the little red head might be biting off more than she can chew as the 5'8" Nikita puts a beating on Kayla like no one has before.. but not without getting her own beating in the process. What works out to be much of a back and forth battle between these two red heads gradually grinds down to a one way beat down as the war of attrition wears down on the smaller Kayla and she's beaten until she submits to the bigger Nikita.
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LF272 Crushing Defeat - featuring Nikita vs Jordan
Jordan has taken her fair share of the beat downs around here and when the new girl Nikita shows up, Jordan wants to change things by proving that she's as tough as everyone else, regardless of the size difference. At 5'8", the new girl has the height and weight advantage over 5'0" Jordan but never under-estimate the determination of a wild hell cat. Jordan launches into her opponent with wild abandon, seeking to destroy the new girl as quickly and soundly as possible but Nikita isn't playing the game as she is more than happy to put Jordan back in her proper place, on the bottom and crushed under Nikita's weight. Back and forth the action rages, trading various holds, belly punches, hair pulls and scissors until only one will emerge victorious over the other.. with crushing effect...
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LF271 Pin or Punch - featuring Jordan vs Kelly
There's a lot of hatred between these two hell cats, and they're back to prove who is the toughest. Though Kelly is much taller than Jordan, their disdain for each other is equally matched. Trading belly punches and back breakers in order to weaken their opponent, the girls then try to pin her adversary for the three count and the win. But they soon found out it's easier said than done to pin an opponent unless you have them properly weakened and beaten first. This is one hell of an epic battle where no quarter is asked, and none given as the non-stop war rages on to the bitter end...
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LF270 Hooked Battle Heels II - featuring Jordan vs Kelly (Custom Video)
Its rematch time as 5'10" Kelly faces off against her smaller antagonist, 5'0" Jordan in yet another Heels and Hooks fight action match. Having lost the last match, Jordan is hell bent determined to win this one, come hell or high water. Sporting high heels and bikinis, the women lunge at each other with gusto and the battle rages on as each fighter vies for position to dominate the other with her heels, hooks to the mouth and attacks to the face, and biting if necessary. Using their heels to dig into their opponent's tender flesh and their fingers to fish hook the mouth wide open, trying to make the other submit. When that doesn't work, they resort to eyebrow pulling and biting. In the end, only one of these determined hell cats will walk away victorious..
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LF269 Slap Fest - featuring Jordan vs Kelly (Custom Video)
Jordan is pissed at Kelly for meddling in her relationship with her boyfriend and she's looking to do something about it.. and Jordan wants to show the results to her boyfriend. Kelly, never one to back down from a challenge is ready to prove to Jordan's boyfriend how much of a loser Jordan really is by beating her down and humiliating her on video. The pre fight interviews give a taste of what is to come. Right from the start, the hair and breasts are targeted as the hell cats lock up and go to war.
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LF268 Had Enough? - featuring Peggy vs Kyla
Everyone under-estimates 5'0" Kyla's abilities on the mats and 5'10" Peggy is no exception. The taller pale skinned red head can hardly believe that the more powerfully built Kelly was taken down by the "Wee One" as Kyla is know around here. Peggy doesn't take the match seriously enough when she's facing Kyla but soon her tone changes as she quickly discovers that Kyla doesn't play games.. and now, neither does Peggy. What ensues is one of those match that completely goes off script as these two red heads wage a brutal war on each other from which only one can emerge victorious as the other is left beaten, battered and crying on the mats.
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LF267 Wedgie Betrayal - featuring Absynthe vs Kelly & Jordan (Custom Video)
Still fuming over her humiliating wedgie beat down by Kelly in LF265, Absynthe is seething with rage and seeks revenge with the help of Jordan. Unfortunately, Absynthe pissed off Jordan in the process of seeking her assistance, and when the two little women face off against the much taller Kelly, that's when Absynthe discovers she's in for one more hellacious wedgie beat down like never before as her two adversaries pull Absynthe's pants down to her ankles and administer one brutal wedgie after another, making fun of her polka dot undies as they bully Absynthe from one humiliating and painful wedgie after another...
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LF266 - DO Something! - featuring Kelly vs Kyla
5'10" Kelly was asked to break in the new girl Kyla. Standing but a mere 5'0" and 105 lbs, this petite red head was supposed to play the 'jobber girl' role for her first video, which is customary here, but Kyla didn't take too kindly to Kelly's bully tactics and she wouldn't play along with the script, which annoyed the hell out of Kelly. As both girls get frustrated with each other, Kyla's true strength and skills come to the surface and Kelly is made to pay the price every time she tries to impose her dominance over the little red head. What was supposed to be a one sided beat down training video for the new girl broke down and became a 'tiny vs monster' beat down like never before. Poor Kelly, you simply can't read a book by it's cover!
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LF265 - Wedgie Destruction - featuring Kelly vs Absynthe (Custom Video)
Petite Absynthe is once again stepping into dangerous waters as she confronts 5'10" Kelly on the mats. Not having learned her lesson from the previous brutal beatdown, Absynthe is ready to settle the score once and for all. And she's brought her checkbook with her. Unfortunately for our little Jobber Girl Absynthe, her mouth is still writing checks that her hummingbird ass can't cash.. but in this video, it's her ass that will be paying the price! Absynthe foolishly sneaks in a wedgie on Kelly and that sets the tone for the rest of the video as Kelly gladly seeks revenge on Absynthe with nothing but wedgies.. tons of them! From all angles and position, Kelly wedgies Absynthe over and over again. But the little girl is too defiant and proud to call it quits.. she does fight back, a little but every time she does, it angers Kelly who inflicts even more devastating wedgies on her tiny little victim.
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LF264 - Sarah'Naded - featuring Sarah vs Pixie
When Sarah joined the roster a few years back, she gained a lot of fans for her beauty, strength and toughness. Naturally, this fighter wanted to match up against the best and she set her sights on none other that the resident tough girl, Pixie. Never taking any guff from the new girls, Pixie is always quick to put them in their places, with telling effect. But not always. Evenly matched at 5'0" and equally determined to dominate the other, the two fighters go all out in their continuing war of attrition. Included in this video are video clips from the members area showcasing their epic battles.
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LF263 - Broken Submission - featuring Kelly vs Peggy
Standing tall at 5'11", the new girl Peggy isn't easily intimidated by her shorter but more powerful opponent, 5'10" red haired Kelly. Known for her short temper and flair for destroying smaller victims, Kelly takes this opportunity to teach Peggy a few things about life on the mats. Though Peggy takes down Kelly early in the match, that's about the last time the new girl gets any breaks in the back as Kelly sets forth to break Peggy in two with brutal camel clutches, back breakers and figure four leg locks before finally breaking Peggy down for a submission. So much for the new girl making a mark for herself around here.. except for the marks on her pale white skin...
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LF262 - Attitude Adjustment - featuring Absynthe vs Kelly (Custom Video)
Petite Absynthe is still writing checks with her alligator mouth that her hummingbird ass can't cash, and this time she's stepped into the lion's den when she started trash talking the wrong girl. The amazon Kelly isn't going to put up with any shit from such a wee little girl so she's more than happy to adjust Absynthe's attitude; the slow torturous and brutal way. But Absynthe, too proud to give up, defiantly tries to fight back but its no use. Never able to recover from Kelly initial blow, Absynthe is systematically beaten down, one stomp, one kick, one punch at a time. All Kelly wants to hear is Absynthe submit but the little girl refuses to the bitter end.. and she takes one hell of a beat down in the process..
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LF261 - Hooked Battle Heels - featuring Jordan vs Kelly (Custom Video)
Each having defeated Ema in their respective "Heels and Hooks" themed custom videos, Kelly and Jordan bask in their glory reminiscing of their victories. But it soon turns sour when Jordan takes exception to Kelly's comments that there's not way the little red head could have defeated Ema and the fight is on! Using everything at their disposal, heels, hooks and the sofa, these two hell cats have something to prove as they wage war to see who will be the ultimate champion of the "Heels and Hooks" matches.
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LF260 - Undefeated? - featuring Kelly vs Ema
Ema's track record for winning matches is a little shaky so she's agreed to the new girl Kelly's challenge on the mats, thinking she'll be a push over and help Ema gain a notch up the ladder to the top rank position.. Though Kelly stands much taller than Ema, the tough brunette figures that Kelly's inexperience on the mats will make up for the difference. As the girls lock up and trade various back breakers, camel clutches and belly punches, Ema soon realizes that Kelly isn't going down without a fight and soon Ema is desperately fighting to save herself from yet another defeat..
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LF259 - Torture Me No More II - featuring Pixie vs Ema (Custom Video)
When Pixie and Ema tangled it out in "LF207 Torture Me No More", it didn't go well for Ema as she was reduced to rubble as Pixie tortured Ema into submission. This time, Ema is prepared to take on Pixie again, and she's not going to take any crap from the little red head. Too bad her plans didn't work out, as Pixie goes rampaging on Ema and tortures her once again with some of the most brutal and vicious wedgies and cheap shots, taking the battle to Ema like never before. Before the end of the match, Ema is broken once again, and has no choice but to agree to Pixie humiliating terms of surrender, just so that Pixie won't torture her anymore.. again.
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LF258 - Raven Fights II - featuring Masked Raven vs Pixie
Masked Raven and Pixie have tangled before and it's always been a vicious war of wills and determination as both women fight for dominance and superiority. And nothing has changed when these two hell cats mix it up on the mats. Once again, the petite red head Pixie squares off against a much taller opponent but with her skills and experience on the mats, she feels confident that she can make short work of Raven. Three separate clips where these two hell cats give it their all to determine who shall reign over the other..
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LF257 - Hugged and Crushed II - featuring Ema vs Absynthe (Custom Video)
Ema is caught out in the winter storm and since she's in Absynthe's neighborhood, she self-invites herself to spend the night with her favourite little friend, much to Absynthe's disgust since she was looking forward to quiet evening to herself without having to put up with Ema's advances. When Ema finally shows up, she's ready to play and can't figure out why Absynthe doesn't want to play. So, just like the last time, Ema is more than happy to try and convince Absynthe that they really should share the bed instead of Ema sleeping on a cot for the night. And Ema proceeds to bear hugs and scissor the hell out of Absynthe in order to convince her otherwise. So who ends up sleeping on the floor tonight?
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LF256 - RedHeads Wage War - featuring Pixie vs Gypsy
Red heads are known for their short tempers and feisty natures that make them for vicious hell cats on the mats. Such is the case when petite 5'0" Pixie tangles with gorgeous 5'9" Gypsy. When red heads wage war, all hell breaks loose! Compiled in this video are three clips where Pixie takes Gypsy apart by the legs and hair, then an all out competitive match where one of these fighters has to tap out more than once before the match is over.. and finally in the third clip, its now Gypsy's turn to put the beat down on her smaller opponent with belly punches and hair pulling.
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LF255 - Bitter Rival's Rage - featuring Pixie vs Ema
Bitter rivals Ema and Pixie face off in this video in three separate matches. These two dangerous hellcats have tangled before and its never certain who will emerge victorious until the last minute. In the first match, Pixie takes most of the battle to Ema with brutal belly shots with knees, feet, elbows and fists. In the second match, Ema's rage explodes as she seeks to destroy Pixie. Cruel cheap shots and belly punches rain down on Pixie as Ema gets her revenge. In the final match up, it's Pixie's turn to wage all out war on her bitter rival as she locks legs around Ema's neck and body, crushing the will to fight out of the masked fighter. But it's the grueling figure four leg lock that nearly cripples Ema that seals the deal on this match.
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LF253 - Raven vs Pixie Compilation - featuring Masked Raven vs Pixie
Masked Raven and Pixie always had a hate on for each other so when ever they got the chance to meet on the mats, war would always break out. In this video are compiled three videos which appeared in the members area, depicting three separate battles these two hell cats fought. Pixie, being only 5'0" tall, backs down for no one, not even a taller and vicious opponent as the 5'7" Masked Raven. Each segment fight is fought until one of these vixens submits to the other, and only one walks away victorious.
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LF252 - BATTLE HEELS - featuring Kelly vs Ema (Custom Video)
Ema and Absynthe were out sunbathing in their bikinis but were caught by surprise by a torrential downpour, just making it into the house before getting wet. Because the weather is so horrible out there, Ema really wants Absynthe to spend the night at her house, mostly because Ema really likes Absynthe. But Absynthe decides she should go home and makes up lame excuses to Ema's persistent pleading for her to stay. When it looks like Absynthe is ready to get up and leave, Ema grabs her works over Absynthe into submission with brutal front and back bear hugs, body scissors which leaves poor Absynthe little choice but to stay the night...
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LF251 - HUGGED and CRUSHED- featuring Absynthe vs Ema
(Custom Video)
Ema and Absynthe were out sunbathing in their bikinis but were caught by surprise by a torrential downpour, just making it into the house before getting wet. Because the weather is so horrible out there, Ema really wants Absynthe to spend the night at her house, mostly because Ema really likes Absynthe. But Absynthe decides she should go home and makes up lame excuses to Ema's persistent pleading for her to stay. When it looks like Absynthe is ready to get up and leave, Ema grabs her works over Absynthe into submission with brutal front and back bear hugs, body scissors which leaves poor Absynthe little choice but to stay the night...
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LF250 Intentionally Left Blank |

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LF249 - HEELED OVER - featuring Jordan vs Ema (Custom Video)
Ema, the resident tough gal, has little to no respect for any of the new girls and she's going to make a point of it with Jordan. Dressed in shorts, bra tops and heels, both ladies face square off. Though Ema is confident she can make a quick meal out of her smaller red headed opponent, she's soon surprised to find out that Jordan has a lot of fight in her as they tangle and go for all the marbles. Hooking fingers in cheeks to pull their opponent's face around, hair pulling, breast mauling and belly punching are the main tools of the trade in this fight. But when they start using their heels to bring the fight to a new level, all hell breaks loose as the girls tear into each other.
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LF248 - EVERYTHING ABSYNTHE - featuring Absynthe vs Aiden
Everyone's favourite Jobber Girl, Absynthe, is featured in this compilation video and she's facing off against one of the all time favourite villains, Aiden. Absynthe, who barely tips the scales at 90 lbs soaking wet and holding a bag of hammers, doesn't back down from any challenge. But this time, she's facing one hell of a vicious opponent who hates being challenged by lesser fighters, so she plans to put the beat down on her petite and green haired opponent. Torturing her victim, Aiden gets in her licks but so does Absynthe.. will it be enough to put down the little jobber girl for good?
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LF247 - TAYLOR TRIPLE TRUMP - featuring Taylor vs Pixie
Sexy as she is, Taylor feels she's capable of hanging with the more experienced fighters, especially the little ones like Pixie. What Taylor lacks in skills, she certainly over does it in confidence but this leads her into deep trouble as Pixie literally tears Taylor apart in three separate matches, all with Taylor losing one way or another..
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LF246 Kitty vs Ema |

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LF245 - SELENE NOT SO TOUGH - featuring Selene vs Rath, Pixie and Ema
Selene, as tough and powerful as she is, thinks herself as a prize fighter after beating down less experienced fighters on the mats. Unfortunately, there are far more experienced grapplers around who will prove to Selene that she's really not that tough as they put the beat down to the sexy lady.
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LF243 - The Sleep Over - featuring Pixie vs Absynthe
The girls get together for a sleep over to relax and enjoy the weekend after a long week of hard work but though everything starts off nice and sweet in the beginning, it soon turns sour as Pixie tries to be playful but Absynthe isn't in the mood to play games. A simple and harmless game of "pillow fight" soon turns nasty as Absynthe retaliates and swings a pillow that nails Pixie in the throat, causing her to cough harshly. Unhappy with Absynthe's lack of fair play and bad attitude, Pixie decides it's time to teach the little upstart brunette a thing or two about what a "sleep over" should be all about.. whether Absynthe likes it or not!
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LF242 - REVENGED - featuring Ema vs Jordan
Tough gal Ema knows she's got the toughest abs around and when she took a beating from Jordan for a Jill Lauren video, the little red head Jordan tried her best to break Ema down with vicious belly punches but she simply wasn't able to get past those rock hard abs on Ema's belly. Thinking she was free and clear of any payback, Jordan is ambushed by Ema, who is hell bent on getting revenge for the beating she took. Though Ema never submitted in the previous match, she's going to make damn sure that Jordan will cry her submission loud and clear.. not that it will do her any good.
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LF240 - STINKY FOOT COMPILATION #1 - featuring Selene, Pixie, Maia and Ema
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
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LF239 Amy vs Kitty |

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LF238 - SUBMITTED & DESTROYED - featuring Sarah vs Pixie
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Tough gal Sarah boasts to Pixie that she's the toughest of the two, of which Pixie takes exception to. It doesn't take long for Sarah to impose her dominance over Pixie as she takes down the little red head and slaps her into various holds and keeps Pixie there for a long time, torturing the poor girl until she finally has no choice but to submit.
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LF237 Kitty vs Amy - Belly Destruction |

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LF236 - ROOKIE BEATDOWN - featuring Penney vs Pixie
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Tough girl Pixie is confront by a relatively newcomer, Penney who doesn't think Pixie deserves all the respect the little red head has earned, and decides to try and take Pixie down a notch or two.. Unfortunately, Penney showed up ill prepared for the beating she is to receive, and gets submitted over and over and over again.
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LF235 LOUD MOUTH BEATDOWN - featuring Absynthe vs Delyte & Lily (Custom Video)
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Absynthe has always been know as a trouble maker, and a bit of a loud mouth who really doesn't know when to shut up.. Such was the case one lazy weekend afternoon with the three girls were hanging around the studio.. To break the boredom, Absynthe shouts out "Let's get it on!!" to entice her two companions that perhaps they should try a match between them. What ensues in the first half of the video is a rather rambunction play fight between Lily and Delyte, with Absynthe mouthing off in the background at how sloppy and out of shape they both are during the match.. Needless to say this doesn't sit well the two combattants and they strart to get rather annoyed with their smaller antagonist..
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LF234 - SELENE'S BEATDOWN compilation - featuring Selene vs Ema and Rath
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Ema gets the first go at Selene's hair in the first segment and she's not gentle with sexy Selene's thick luscious hair. Yanking until you can almost hear the roots being ripped out, Ema uses cruel tactics to hurt her opponent, by stepping on her hair, trapping Selene in a cross knee back breaker by using her hair to lock her into place. But Selene gets some of her own licks in against Ema but unfortunately for Selene, Ema's the veteran scrapper and makes a quick meal out of her opponent. Poor Selene never had a chance.
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LF233 - SEEING RED - featuring Ema vs Red
Ema has the new girl, Red, right where she wants her, trapped and helpless. After losing a challenge, Red has to let Ema do what she does best: Beating down her victims without mercy. With her arms trapped above her head, Red is subjected to brutal belly punching as Ema drops one bomb after another into Red's long slender belly, drilling her belly button with a pointed finger and stretching out the tall new girl. After dropping a few elbows into Red's battered belly, Ema proceeds to destroy Red, one blow at a time. Every time Red tries to fight back, she's taken down and subjected to more of Ema's viciousness as stomps and mauls keep the new girl down.
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LF232 - REDHEAD WARS - featuring Gypsy vs Pixie
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Red heads Gypsy and Pixie lock horns and go to war in this video. We all know how vicious red heads can be, so who is the toughest red head? The first segment starts with Pixie in control of her less experienced adversary, Gypsy. Not shy about using Gypsy's long luscious hair to pull her victim around, Pixie stretches out her victim and stretches her out in a variety of holds. Weakened by previous gut shots, Gypsy's abs are stretched to the breaking point. Over and over, Pixie stretches and bends her opponent, demanding that she submits until finally, poor Gypsy has no choice but to submit to Pixie.
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LF231 - MAIA FIGHTS - featuring Maia vs Ema & Maia vs Naomi
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Maia gets into a lot of trouble in the first clip but manages to stay on top of the fight for the second and third. She wanted to try out a competitive style match against the Masked Ema and she got a lot more than she bargained as Ema brutally beat Maia down, leaving her humiliated and crying. In her second match with the Masked Ema, the tables are turned as Maia has Ema trapped and proceeds to exact her revenge on her helpless victim. Finally in the third match, Maia faces off against a very inexperienced fighter, Naomi. Though Maia tried to give Naomi a fighting chance, it simply turned out to be a vicious hair pulling match..
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LF230 - BITCH SLAP FIGHTS - featuring Maia vs Ema
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Maia and Ema go to war, showing no respect for each other as they seek victory.. but at what cost? Maia, being very flexible, gets bent out of shape in the first match as Ema cracks the blond's spine in carious ways until she submits. Next, the two ennemies rumble it out to see who is going to walk away victorious in a semi-competitive match as they rip into each other. Finally, in the last segment, Maia cranks on the imfamous neck nerve pinch claw on Ema, causing the brunette immense pain, nearly crippling Ema. As the battle rages on, Maia uses this hold to limit Ema's attacks..
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LF229 - WIN SOME, LOSE SOME clip compilation - featuring Maia vs Pixie, Naomi and Ema
Compiled into this video are three clips never before seen in the site's members area.
Maia had spent her time at Ladyfist as everyone's beatdown jobber girl, and fans love it. But once in a while, the tough and resilient blonde gets her own licks in as well. In this compilation video, we see Maia getting a vicious beatdown by the little red head hell cat Pixie, while in the second segment, Maia dominates a petite newcomer with ease. But it's when Maia teams up with dangerous Ema against Pixie, is where Maia gets to vent all of her revenge on the little red head.. with Ema's help and guidance..
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LF227 - TAYLOR'D BELLY BEATDOWN - compilation - featuring Taylor vs Pixie
Compiled into this video are three clips seen in the site's members area.
Taylor, more commonly seen as the jobber girl and never being able to best most of her adversaries, now finds herself in the driver's seat as she has one of her arch ennemies trapped against the blue ball of pain and delivers one hell of a brutal belly punching beatdown on Pixie in the first two segments of this compilation video.. But as she gets cocky, Taylor finds herself on the receiving end of a humiliating beatdown of her own as she suffers one hell of nasty DeFeet..
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LF226 Kitty vs Kandi & Kimora - Overwhelmed |

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LF225 - BEATING DOWN TAYLOR compilation - featuring Taylor vs Masked Ema
Compiled into this video are three clips
Taylor, a fan favourite, wants to prove herself on the mats and she faces off with the Masked Ema to make her mark. In these three segments, the feisty hell cat goes all out trying to secure a victory over her adversary but somehow it never works out for poor Taylor. Ema isn't going to let an upstart like Taylor simply breeze through a match as the two women fight to the finish where only one can walk away victorious.
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LF224 - SCREAM FOR BANSHEE - featuring Banshee vs Pixie
Pixie, the resident tough gal stands at 5'0" but what she lacks in height she more than makes up for it in skill, determination and experience. But this time, she's facing off against a much larger opponent who, though lacking on mat experience, has very little respect for her smaller opponent and is hell bent of beating down the top notch red headed hell cat in dreads. Can Pixie hold her own against such a vicious opponent?
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LF223 - RAVEN FIGHTS - featuring Raven vs Pixie
Beautiful Raven stands before her much smaller but very dangerous opponent, Pixie for this vicious contest to see who will step out as the ultimate winner. In this free style competitive match, the two combatants let loose with brutal belly punching and body scissors, camel clutches and boston crabs but they also go for the cheap shots and painful hair pulling. Though Pixie is the smaller of the two, everyone here knows she's a very capable scrapper and Raven doesn't take this challenge lightly. Can the Masked Raven take down the red headed pit bull in dreads?
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LF222 - WOUNDED LEGS and BACKS compilation - featuring Ema, Gypsy and Pixie
Its all about painful and brutal back breaking leg locks in this three clip compilation video where Ema, Pixie and Gypsy go to war inflicting as much torture to whom ever their victim happen to be, eagerly seeking their submission or tap out.
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LF221 Kitty vs Ema - Red Assets |

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LF219 - STAY DOWN, BITCH! - featuring Brooke vs Pixie
Being the resident tough gal around here isn't easy as everyone challenges you for the top spot. Newcomer Brooke shows up feeling she's tougher than the red head in dreads Pixie and she's going to make a point about it. Unfortunately, Brooke showed up ill prepared for the ferocity that Pixie fights with and soon finds herself on the wrong end of a brutal beatdown. But can she prevail and take the title away from Pixie?!
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LF218 - BUNNY BEATDOWN REVENGE - featuring Bunny vs Absynthe
Cute as a button, Bunny wants to play on the mats and figures she should start with the smallest opponent around.. who else but everyone's favourite jobber girl, Absynthe? Unfortunately, and as always, Bunny overestimated her abilities and is soon sent to the hurt locker as her equally petite opponent finds an opportunity to inflict pain and suffering to someone else, instead of being the jobber girl, she's looking to make Bunny suffer the same fate.. but at her hands!
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LF217 - AIDEN RAMPAGE - featuring Aiden vs Bobbie Blush
Aiden is extremely upset that upstart Bobbie Blush made disparaging comments about her during Bobbie's interview and she wants to set the record straight. And what better way than a brutal one sided beatdown as Aiden rampages all over cuddly Bobbie Blush..
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LF216 Kitty vs Pixie - Challenges |

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LF215 - ABS TRAINING - featuring Ema vs Selene
Selene was quite impressed that Ema was able to take as much punishment as she did in the previous video. Selene hit Ema so hard and so often with her fists, and yet Ema was able to crawl away from it.. but she didn't whine like a little bitch.. something that disappointed Selene to some degree. A few days later, Ema challenged Selene that she wouldn't be able to put up with the same kind of punishment, no matter how rock hard Selene's abs were with all the fitness training Selene does. Never one to back down from any challenge, Selene agreed to a real, no nonsense belly beating from Ema. What Selene didn't appreciate is that Ema, still sore for her own beatdown, has a more sadistic nature and has Selene agreeing to the "Human Punching Bag" scenario.. and all the punches, with and without boxing gloves on, will be for real, no pulled punches, no fake punches.. all real punches, just like Ema had no choice but to agree to in the previous video. But with her arms bound above her head like this, Selene fails to realize how much harder it is to brace against each punch and each kick to the belly, and the long haired beauty soon finds herself in trouble at Ema's attacks. She has to survive the full 30 minutes as agreed upon, no backing down or calling it quits. How long will the sultry brunette survive Ema's vicious and sadistic pay-back tactics?
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LF214 - JUSTICE SERVED - featuring Selene vs Ema
Something happened between the girls BUT they won't tell us what it is. Suffice to say that Ema, unable to pay restitution nor wanting to face legal action, has agreed to submit to Selene's alternative means of punishment. To get satisfaction from Ema's transgression, Selene wants to belly punch Ema for real, bare fisted, for the duration of a video. No fighting back, no backing down, no whining. Its all brutal and vicious belly punching beatdown or face the consequences. Ema, with her concrete abs, figures that she's able to endure this brutal punishment, more or less.. at least better than she could facing the alternate consequences. Selene starts off with hard punches but soon realizes that Ema's abs are indeed tough. But slowly but surely, with frustration setting in, Selene increases the intensity and frequency of her strong arm punching, causing Ema great discomfort and pain but at times dropping the tough gal to her knees with a well placed shot to the guts. No punches pulled, Selene swings with all her might trying to bring Ema down several notches but after a while this becomes a contest of wills where Ema is able to withstand Selene's punches better than she thought she could, and Selene's desire to drop Ema once and for all. After a prolonged one sided belly punching session, Ema can't take anymore and is dazed and confused, just where Selene wants her victim, and hammers away at Ema's battered and weakened belly with telling effects. When this brutal beatdown is done, all matters and all scores are settled by previous agreement. Selene felt satisfied to get her pound of flesh from Ema, and the broken girl with the abs of concrete walks away, having paid her penalty.
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LF213 Kitty vs Selene - Parking War |

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LF212 - I SPY TROUBLE - featuring Selene vs Ema (Custom Video)
Its Spy vs Spy as Selene faces off against Ema in this beatdown fight. As Selene finds the secret documents, she's stopped by a masked Spy.. Unknown to Selene, it's her best friend Ema who had only been faking their friendship to get inside information on Selene's spy network. A quick scuffle gives Selene the advantage over Ema allowing Selene to remove the mask, and discovering who the spy really is. Letting her guard down, Selene is caught by a cheap shot punch to the crotch that signals the beginning of the long end of her beat down destruction as the vicious and sadistically brutal Ema puts her adversary into impossible holds, bending her, stretching her, yanking her hair and hammering, stomping and mauling the hell out of poor Selene once Ema rips her top off. Try as she may, Selene simply can't defend herself from Ema's attacks and is soon writhing on the floor, her back damaged, her legs battered, her belly bruised, her breasts mauled. In the end, Ema puts her victim out with a tight reverse neck lock, and carries her reclaimed secret documents.. and her new prize away to her evil spy lair..
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LF211 - THE BEST HAIR - featuring Selene vs Pixie (Custom Video)
Sexy Selene's boyfriend Steve loves her beautiful thick hair, so she's sending him a special video to keep him happy while he's away on business. While in the middle of her private video, Pixie walks in and is immediately not impressed with the brunette's intentions. Jealousy sets in that Steve would actually prefer Selene's dark hair to Pixie's fiery red hair, the little red head goes on the attack to show Steve how wrong he is, at Selene's expense. Ripping hair from the roots, yanking and pulling, the two hell cats tear into each other's hair but even though Selene manages to dominate Pixie for a smaller portion of this video, the writing is on the wall that Selene will suffer the brunt of Pixie's jealous rage. With tons of hair on the floor, poor Selene is humiliated in front of Steve and is made to acknowledge Pixie's dominance and that she has the best hair!
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LF210 - NECK LOCK - featuring Pixie vs Ema (Custom Video)
Ema and Pixie have been bitter enemies ever since day one. Though known to occasionally collaborate together in taking down a common foe, these two hell cats have such an intense hate for each other that it is often quite dangerous to book them together for any type of match. But they promised to behave in order to complete this custom video featuring a lot of neck scissors. Pixie, known for her short legged neck scissors is the obvious favourite in this type of contest but Ema, not wanting to come across as anyone's bitch, takes the little red head to task and the war is on. Each girl tries to lock the other up in a triangle neck scissors, figure four neck scissors, guillotine neck scissors and anything else they can think up just to cause the other to either tap out, submit or go to sleep. This match gets out of hand early and neither girl offers nor gives quarter to the other as they lunge at each other all the way to the bitter end for one hell of a dramatic finish that leaves one girl utterly destroyed. Neck crushing, neck twisting war between these two hell cats will leave you with a sympathetic sore neck!
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LF209 Kitty vs Pixie - Reversals |
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LF208 - LOCKED IN DEFEAT - featuring Maia vs Pixie & Ema
The dangerous duo, Ema and Pixie, have teamed up once again to have some fun at Maia's expense. Ema is showing Pixie how she's able to do nice hand stands when Maia walks in on them and asks how it's done. The duo lend Maia a hand to give it a try and then Pixie decides, what the heck, lets beat the hell out of this girl and drops a fist into the upside down girl's belly and the beatdown begins. Though usually enemies, Pixie and Ema work well together when it comes to beating down their victims. Maia is belly punched and back broken across knees and shoulders, kicked, stomped and ruthlessly abused by her two attackers who have a fun time uniting their abilities in destroying Maia. But when the duo start to get a little defensive about their signature moves, things start to fall apart for their partnership. Not that this will save Maia, she's just the poor victim to their narcissist tendencies as Ema clamps on a sleeper hold to KO Maia but Pixie slugs the helpless girl deep in the gut. To retaliate against Pixie's lack of respect, Ema pounds away at Maia's belly while Pixie has her locked in a painful figure leg lock. Fed up with Pixie's attitude, Ema KOs Maia, then attacks Pixie, all the while she has Maia still locked in a figure four and face sits Pixie out cold, then does the same to Maia to finish both off, still locked together, in a figure four leg lock, out cold. Vicious, brutal and sadistic, Ema stomps on her victims before she steps away, always proud of her handy work on destroying her helpless victim Maia and turning the tables on her nemesis, Pixie.
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LF207 - TORTURE ME NO MORE - featuring Ema vs Pixie (Custom Video)
Ema and Pixie have never liked each other, and when ever presented with the opportunity to inflict punishment onto on another, they pull out all the stops! Such was the case in this viciously brutal match when the pair got into each other's face but it was Ema who came up short as Pixie tortured the hell out of poor Ema with sadistic belly destruction, cruel front and back wedgies, stomps, kicks, hair pulling and a punishing round of Knock Outs and Smotherings. Using every weapon in her arsenal, Pixie dropped elbows, knees and even her head into poor Ema's crotch, belly and rear. face sitting Ema to pin her down, Pixie destroys Ema's rock-hard belly, weakens her opponent and puts Ema out with a variety of chokes, sleeper holds, cobra clutches and so on. Though Ema manages to retaliate once or twice during this match, any attempts to gain any advantage is soon lost and she suffers more at the hands of her red headed nemesis until the end, where Pixie devastates Ema with one of the most viciously brutal front wedgies we've ever seen anyone inflict on a poor helpless victim. This is a battle to the finish, and for Ema, it can't finish soon enough.
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LF206 Pixie vs Kitty - Not Tough Enough |
LF204 Kitty vs Pixie - Bitch Slapped Bitch |

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LF203 - POWER STRUGGLE - featuring Pixie vs Ema (unscripted competitive match)
Once again we're back with a totally unscripted real competitive match between two of our toughest and meanest fighters, Ema and Pixie. Known for their intense hatred for each other, these two hell cats agreed to lay it all out on the line, and on the mats, to determine who will reign supreme around here for the next few months. The only stipulation to the match is that the loser of the last round has to submit to being sat on with her opponent's full weight on her. Pride, determination and pure hate drive these two brutal fighters in one of our best comp matches yet. This one match you'll not want to miss. 50 minutes of pure mayhem.
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LF202 - TICKLE ME BRUTAL - featuring Ema vs Maia
Before getting started on the scripted fight on hand, Ema discovers that Maia is actually highly ticklish to the point of weakness if tickled too hard. This gives Ema the idea of tickling the hell out of Maia, because as we all know, tickling brings the victim to the fine line between pain and pleasure. Though we laugh when tickled, push it too far and it become painful even though we'll laugh. And when Maia starts to fight back against Ema's tickling, Ema isn't happy about it and starts to play a little rougher with Maia and gets back to tickling Maia. As the session progresses, Ema puts Maia in impossible holds, and starts to tickle her victim. Almost to a panic, Maia fights back and lashes out at Ema to stop but the brunette isn't having any of that and attacks her victim over and over. Maia fights fire with fire with her own tickling attacks. Ema soon gets upset with Maia and puts one vicious beat down on her exhausted opponent, until to the end where Ema offers Maia one humiliating exit from this fight..
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LF201 - ROOMMATES - featuring Bobbie Blush vs Absynthe
Though they share the house, there's no love lost between Bobbie and Absynthe. Getting on each other's nerves is a daily occurrence and hazard, something that Absynthe enjoys making things worse with her antagonistic attitude. It all comes to a boil one day when the girls can't stand each other and they tear into each other, one round after another, delivering punishing holds and cheap shots, simply to show the other how much they dislike each other. Tossing body scissors and hair pulls like they do their insults, Bobbie and Absynthe aren't gentle as they go out to vent their frustrations with the other with various holds and punches. After a while, one of the girls is so exhausted that she can't continue.. but given a moment's rest, she's back on the attack and the war continues. Though Absynthe is smaller than Bobbie, she doesn't back down and get in her own licks (and bites) onto her opponent. But Bobbie, not used to being disrespected like this, goes all out to break and bend her tiny opponent with telling effects.
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LF200 - UNMASKED VIOLENCE - featuring Erika & Pixie vs Ema
The new girl Erika has taken one too many beat downs at the hands of Ema and Pixie in the recent past and now she's figured out a way how to get her revenge on the Masked Ema.. Simply buy off Pixie to help her beat the living hell out of her rival. Pixie is a self-proclaimed money whore who will beat down anyone for a few bucks.. As the two girls progress with their beating down of Ema, Erika takes it too far and tries to remove Ema's mask but is soon reminded by Pixie that Ema has a strict contract clause that precludes any of the other girls from removing Ema's mask.. But as Pixie realizes, nothing says Ema can't take her mask off herself.. So Erika and Pixie start beating the hell out of Ema with more vigor, brutally torturing her until the helpless masked girl Ema has no other choice but to abandon her mask! Yes, that's right, Ema is UNMASKED!! Furious, humiliated and enraged, Ema unleashed a furious and sadistic beatdown of her own on her two antagonists, making them regret the errors of their ways in ways you couldn't imagine possible. Though Erika and Pixie didn't violate Ema's "unmasking clause" in her contract, the ex-masked girl won't let that humiliation go down lightly and after she's done beating the hell out of the two, she turns her aggression to the producer / cameraman for allowing such a travesty to happen in the first place..
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