LF122 - Jobber Girls Back Breakers - featuring Lily vs Tigra / Lily vs Mi ko / Mayden vs Mi ko
42 minutes of nothing but back breakers, back breakers and more back breakers with the occasional HOM
Fan favourite Jobber Girls are up against two of the most brutal heels, Lily and Mayden. Tigra and Miko, barely 5'0" tall and barely 90 lbs soaking wet don't stand a chance against the likes of their opponent. And in this compilation video put together from members area clips, it's all about the back breakers..
And what better way than to start with several all time favourite themes: (A) Jobber Girls (B) Back Breakers (C) KO's (D) Lily's seductively evil manner of abusing her victims and (E) Mayden's brutal and sadistic enjoyment of her task at hand. What a perfect combination! There are 5 different clips in this compilation, 3 with Lily vs Tigra doing a variety of back breakers with a couple of KO's. the 4th clip is Lily vs Mi ko as she tests the little girl's bendability. And finally but not least is Mayden showing her fans how to properly tune in a jobber girl like Miko. Whereas Lily can create a sense of sexual tension when she tortures her victims, Mayden is all business as she sadistically punishes them.

LF122 is the Jobber Girl Back Breaker fans must have video.