LF182 - TORTURED TITS - featuring Sonia vs Taylor
33 Minutes of sadistic breast mauling torture.
Taylor isn't shy to show her lovely breasts, and she can't understand why other girls won't.. but she does know that this can be used against them when it comes to dirty fight tactics. Such was the case when Taylor encountered Sonia for the first time. At 5'11", sensuous Sonia towers over petite Taylor by almost a foot in height. Sonia thinks Taylor is nothing but a tramp for showing off her tits all the time, and Taylor figures on using Sonia's modesty against her in this battle. Nothing annoys Taylor more than new girls showing up and trying to dictate new fighting terms on the mats. Taylor's been around for a while and she's not taking any shit from anyone. Unfortunately, this is the one time where experience doesn't triumph over strength as Sonia gets upset at Taylor's dirty tactics and makes the petite girl pay for her errors in a most harsh and brutal way.
Taylor takes centre stage posing for the camera, showing off her sexy body as the taller Sonia comes strolling in, rudely bumping into Taylor, spoiling for a fight. Not intimidated by her opponent's size or height, Taylor doesn't hesitate to get into Sonia's face and the trash talking quickly breaks into a brutal fight on the mats. Accusing Taylor of being a tramp for gratuitously showing her breasts in past fights, Sonia decides she's going to make Taylor suffer the consequences of her choices by torturing Taylor's gorgeous breasts. But Taylor's no fool. She knows Sonia will never want to show her breasts to the fans so she makes a point of threatening to pull Sonia's top off. Instead of scaring Sonia away, all Taylor managed to do was infuriate her taller opponent and soon finds herself on the receiving end of a vicious breast torture fight for survival.








Though Taylor manages to get some offensive moves of her own against Sonia, the little girl is now so on the defensive, she's unable to counter anything Sonia tosses at her. Caught under her bigger adversary, Taylor has to endure vicious and tortures breast mauling. Sonia has a point to make, and she's not shy about making it as harsh as possible to poor Taylor's breasts and nipples. |












Though Taylor puts up a heroic fight, she's not able to curtail any of Sonia's attacks. Using her size advantage against her smaller foe, Sonia sits on her victim, pinning Taylor to the mats with her arms caught under Sonia as the sensuously tall girl leans in to destroy Taylor's breasts. Taylor gets KO'd only to wake up and discover that Sonia's stripped her of her bikini top, leaving Taylor's gorgeous breasts vulnerably exposed to her cruel opponent's sadistic attacks. No matter what Taylor tries, she's unable to escape the torturous punishment that is awaiting her. |




As if things weren't bad enough as they were, Taylor awakens for yet another KO only to discover Sonia has some new toys available to her to make Taylor's life even more miserable that it is now. Carefully placing the clamps on Taylor's tortured nipples, Sonia takes her opponent on a miserable and painful ride to ultimate horror. |


Tortured, battered and made to suffer, Taylor will never be the same again. Never piss off someone larger than you not matter what. The price may be too high to bear.. |
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