LF170 - WEDGED ASSETS - featuring Pixie vs Ema (Custom Video)
42 Minutes of viciously sadistic and painful wedgies in a one sided beat down grudge match.
Ema's fans love Ema and they love her fine "assets" which the masked beauty isn't shy to flaunt around. But when she gets on Pixie's nerves, Ema now has to face the terror and pain of suffering through one malicious and brutally painful wedgie after another. With extteme hatred for her masked opponent, Pixie gets quite creative with her attacks as she humiliates and destroys Ema's beautiful assets with extreme prejudice. Screaming her submissions to end the match falls on deaf ears as Pixie isn't out to simply win this match, she's out to inflict as much brutal punishement as possible, just for Ema's fans.
Most people know Ema has a beautiful belly, hard core solid, able to take a punch, and some know Ema has impressive 'assets'. Slim, athletic, Ema has it all, and this annoys the hell out of Pixie, now out of her dreads, the little red head is still all pit bull in nature and she simply can't take anymore of Ema's constant self-admiration of her assets. So what's a young lady to do? Make her antagonist suffer where it counts the most, with brutal, painful and sadistic wedgies to make poor Ema hurt where it counts.












Right from the begining, Pixie attacks Ema, grabbing a hand full of her shorts and yanking them up high, cleaving poor Ema's beautiful assets. Stretched and pulled, her shorts cut in deep, causing the masked girl to yelp in pain and try to evade the onslaught. But Pixie's dead set on causing her raven haired adversary to suffer greatly and this is going to be a long and painful match... for Ema. Trapping her victim in various holds, painful in themselves, Pixie takes every opportunity to get a mitt full of Ema's shorts and yanking on them as high as possible, often bringing Ema up onto her tippytoes in an attempt to eleviate the pain. Jammed up against the wall, Ema can't manage any form of defense to shake off the relentless assault on her assets by vicious Pixie.. |












Weakened by the constant abuse, Ema can't prevent Pixie from tossing her into various wrestling holds: Cross knee back breaker, Camel Clutch and Boston Crab to name a few, just to pull and yank away at Ema's shorts to give her one horrible wedgie after another. Nothing is too good for Ema.. if she wanted to show off her assets for her fans, Pixie is going to help her show them off, one cheek at a time, one wedgie at a time. Sobbiing, crying, pleading, Ema begs Pixie to cease the torture but the little red head won't be happy until SHE is done, and she's far from being done at this point. |












Yanked up to her feet by a powerful wedgie, Ema is abused and battered, pulled and yanked, punched, mauled and stomped. As if the wedgies didn't cause enough pain on their own, Pixie is happy to hurry things along with a few cheap shots along the way.. Toss in a couple of sleeper hold KOs and Ema is in now shape or form able to defend herself from what Pixie has in store for her next!
After being put out by a crushing sleeper hold, Ema finds herself trussed up in a cruel and barbaric harness that has her hands bound together behind her head, leaving her beaitufl abs exposed, but more cruelly, the rope is anchored to her shorts behind her... Pixie's deviousness is exposed with the first vicious belly punch to Ema's gut! As Pixie lands the first of many punches, Ema crumples forward in pain but this also yanks up on her shorts! The more she instinctively curls forward after each punch, the more she gives herself a cruel wedgie. Either stand up and take the punch or curl up and suffer the wedgie. Unfortunately for Ema, she has to suffer both until finally, mercifully, Pixie puts Ema down for the last time and walks away, content in the fact that she's made her point, and had brutally beaten down Ema once again. |














This is one of our more brutal wedgie videos in a long time, poor Ema suffers one humiliating wedgie after another in this completely one sided domination video. As a bonus feature, we left a bit of a clip at the end of the credits where the girls, after such a long and hard fought battle, have a hard time trying to destroy Ema's shorts.. (Blooper Reel) |
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