LF207 - TORTURE ME NO MORE - featuring Ema vs Pixie (Custom Video)
35 Minutes of brutal one sided beat down action featuring belly destruction and various KOs and Smothering.
Ema and Pixie have never liked each other, and when ever presented with the opportunity to inflict punishment onto on another, they pull out all the stops! Such was the case in this viciously brutal match when the pair got into each other's face but it was Ema who came up short as Pixie tortured the hell out of poor Ema with sadistic belly destruction, cruel front and back wedgies, stomps, kicks, hair pulling and a punishing round of Knock Outs and Smotherings. Using every weapon in her arsenal, Pixie dropped elbows, knees and even her head into poor Ema's crotch, belly and rear. face sitting Ema to pin her down, Pixie destroys Ema's rock-hard belly, weakens her opponent and puts Ema out with a variety of chokes, sleeper holds, cobra clutches and so on. Though Ema manages to retaliate once or twice during this match, any attempts to gain any advantage is soon lost and she suffers more at the hands of her red headed nemesis until the end, where Pixie devastates Ema with one of the most viciously brutal front wedgies we've ever seen anyone inflict on a poor helpless victim. This is a battle to the finish, and for Ema, it can't finish soon enough.
Ema gets into Pixie's face, not even worried about what this little red head could do to her. In Ema's mind, she can beat down anyone in sight.. But unfortunately, Pixie doesn't put up with ignorant bitches, especially EMA! And with the flick of a switch, Pixie drops Ema hard and proceeds to brutalize poor Ema without remorse or concern. All Pixie wants to do is humiliate her opponent and rip her a new one.. Vicious blows to the ribs and belly take Ema's breath away, leaving the brunette gasping for breath, but Pixie doesn't give Ema a chance and continues to relentlessly hammer away at Ema's rock hard abs, dropping fists, knees and elbows deep into Ema's guts. But Pixie knows how to hurt people and she then aims for Ema's crotch, driving her knee hard against Ema's crotch, jamming the poor girl hard. Elbows fly, hitting the mark every time. Pinning Ema underneath her, Pixie drives her hard fists into Ema's crotch, causing the poor girl to screech in pain, gasping for air as the little red destroys poor Ema. Pixie shows no mercy what so ever as she trash talks and humiliates her long time hated opponent, simply looking to punish and brutalize Ema.








Ema manages to land a couple of show stopper belly punches on Pixie, hoping to slow the juggernaut but comes up short as Pixie regains her senses long enough to stop Ema's attacks cold in their tracks. Each time, Pixie comes back harder and more cruel with her attacks and punches. Some shots land so hard, Ema almost has to puke but manages to hold it in, hoping to recover long enough to mount any kind of offense against Pixie but simply can't do anything to stop the red head hell cat. Pixie now goes for some KO's which catches Ema by surprise. Her eye darting side to side, they soon roll up into her head, showing her white flags of surrender just before being KO'd by Pixie.. As soon as Pixie releases her victim, Ema gasps for air, barely aware of her surroundings before Pixie hammers away at poor Ema. More crotch attacks await the brunette as Pixie seeks to brutalize Ema some more. |








Over and over again, Pixie destroys Ema's belly with brutally vicious fists and knees. Horrendous shots to the crotch send poor Ema cringing and gasping for breath, barely able to make sense of her surroundings before Pixie unleashes yet another devastating attack on poor Ema. Grabbing Ema's shorts, Pixie yanks so hard as to risk cleaving helpless Ema where it hurts the most. But Ema's ordeal isn't over yet. Pixie goes after Ema's belly and crotch non stop, tossing in a few face sitting smothers and knock out holds to put the scare into poor Ema. Each time the brunette goes out, Pixie viciously awakens her and starts the process over and over again. |








In the end, there is nothing Ema can do to stop the torture. Pixie, knowing she completely dominates Ema, forces her victim to admit to such humiliating facts that Pixie makes up, ensuring poor Ema won't soon forget who beat the hell out of whom.. But to make SURE Ema never forgets, Pixie inflicts upon Ema one of the most vicious and cruel frontal wedgies ever seen on video, causing Ema's eyes to light up like fireworks from the sudden pain! |
One side beatdown fans are going to love this full action, non stop fast paced vicious beatdown featuring tons of belly and crotch destruction, smothers, knock outs and outright cruel brutality inflicted on one beautiful helpless victim like never before. You're not going to want to miss this one!!
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