LF086 Aiden's Bitch - Aiden vs Absynthe (Custom Video)
45 Minutes Devastating Crotch Attack One Side Beat Down
Absynthe seeks revenge on Aiden for what Aiden had done to her little sister, kicking her in the crotch until she was unconscious and kept on kicking. Aiden is cruel and vicious and Absynthe is going to put a stop to Aiden's reign of terror once and for all. Aiden doesn't take too kindly to no holds barred challenges, especially from cocky little snot nosed bitches like Absynthe. It really irritates the hell out of Aiden that someone like Absynthe would even dare come looking for a beat down.. But Aiden is more than happy to oblige Absynthe's wishes for revenge.. Let the one sided beat down begin.
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Absynthe calls out Aiden to a fight to revenge the cruel beat down inflicted on her little sister. Absynthe is furious with Aiden and this time, she means business. Unfortunately, Aiden is able to deflect Absynthe's first swing and drops the little girl with a half-assed attempt at a crotch kick but it connects and down goes Absynthe. Aiden pulls her victim up to her feet and sets the poor girl up for 3 devastating heart punches, each dropping Absynthe like a bag of rocks. Aiden leaves Absynthe unconscious on the floor for now until she comes back for some more punishment.

As Absynthe groggily crawls up to her knees, Aiden prowls in behind her and delivers a brutal kick to the crotch from behind, once again dropping Absynthe to the floor. Aiden is very familiar with her opponent's abilities to crush people between her powerful thighs, so Aiden proceeds to destroy Absynthe's only weapon by stomping, kneeing and twisting her knees, until she slaps on her favourite hold, the Figure Four Leg Lock, holding it for what seems like forever on her writhing victim, taunting her, destroying her knee, ensuring Absynthe won't be able to use her legs on Aiden. It doesn't take Absynthe long before she has no choice but to submit to Aiden.. but her screams of surrender fall on deaf ears as Aiden chooses to ignore Absynthe's sobbing please of submission and tears away at her victim's legs with more pressure on the Figure Four Leg Lock. Absynthe is beside herself in horrible pain, arching her back, pulling at her own hair as she cries for release.

Finally, Aiden releases the hold and Absynthe knows she's lost her chance to revenge her sister and the fight is over.. but no.. Not with Aiden. Its never that simple or easy. Knee drops and heel grinds to the lower spine, Aiden weakens Absynthe back so she can set her up for another brutally punishing hold, the Boston Crab. Leaning as far back as she can, pulling back on Absynthe's hair, Aiden loves the sobbing screams of submission coming out of her victim. Knowing her prey is trapped, Aiden presses an HOM on Absynthe to silence her down a little bit, best to save her voice for the screaming she'll be doing later. With her legs battered, her back on fire, Absynthe is eventually released and left crying, sobbing, knowing this isn't going to be over anytime soon..

I'm sure that what happens for the next 30 minutes is mostly a blur to Absynthe as Aiden concentrates on giving this little girl the same treatment as she did her sister. Vicious and cruel crotch attacks are in store for Absynthe as Aiden methodically assaults her victim with stomps, kicks, knees and leg splits, all the while enjoying the pitiful sobbing screams of submission from her victim. But the more Absynthe screams, the more this fuel Aiden for more cruelty, it's like music to her ears and Aiden is a Symphony conductor when it comes to sweet cruel music as this. Absynthe, with her battered legs and lower back can barely offer any resistance to the cruelty set upon her, sobbing, crying, humiliated in the knowledge she failed to get the revenge she wanted for her sister, and for the horrors that awaits her at Aiden's whim.

Aiden, proud of her handi-work that has left Absynthe in a battered and humiliated mess before her, pulls the sobbing little girl by the hair into a sitting position and makes her repeatedly admit she's weak and had to submit.. and worse yet, repeatedly announce to the camera that she's now Aiden's Bitch.. Sobbing and crying, all Absynthe wants is for this nightmare to be over with, but like all horror dreams, they don't end quietly. And neither does Aiden. Satisfied, but not sated, Aiden pulls Absynthe up on her to wobbly legs and presses her up against the wall for what will be Absynthe's worst nightmare ever..

Forced to comply to Aiden's demands lest her sister gets another visit, Absynthe has to endure what ever torture and humiliation Aiden can come up with, and as we all know, Aiden isn't called the "Maniacal Diva" for nothing around here as she knees, kicks, punches and tortures poor Absynthe's crotch as she's repeatedly assaulted and made to admit she's Aiden's Bitch, over and over again, sobbing and crying, taking hits after hits to the crotch, her legs no longer responding as Aiden cruelly drives her fists and knees into Absynthe's crotch. She wants to collapse but her legs won't fold, the poor girl is stuck, pressed against the wall, taking all the abuse and punishment delivered by Aiden.

Finally, mercifully, Absynthe collapses to the floor where it all comes to an end, but no. Not with Aiden being the master of ceremonies at this crotch torture fest. On her back, barely conscious, Absynthe is submitted to more stomps and kicks, leg splits and more brutality as Aiden puts in her finishes touches to the poor girl's crotch. Convulsing uncontrollably, Absynthe is barely aware at the devastation Aiden is inflicting upon her body, she can only pray for the sweet darkness of unconsciousness. but Aiden is well practiced at how much pain to administer to keep her victims down but awake enough to feel each and every hit she delivers. Disgusted with her victim, Aiden gives Absynthe one last parting blow and stomps off, satisfied that she's got her victim beaten down and can claim Absynthe as her new bitch now.

Later, poor Absynthe, she took one hell of a beating. Humiliated and hurt, she sits up sobbing and crying over what had happened earlier, but vowing revenge once again to destroy Aiden and get rid of her once and for all.. but not until after she's healed.. as she sobs and cries in miserable aching pain...
LF086 will appeal to the One Side Beat Down fans, and especially to the Crotch Attacks fans. 2/3 of this video is about the devastating and brutal attacks on the beautiful petite Absynthe. A nice long lingering Figure Four Leg Lock and Boston Crab to top it off, this video will be one of your favourites!