LF080 Absynthe of Malice - Absynthe vs Nikki
33 minutes of punishing one sided beat down, small girl beating down on a larger opponent.
Sick and tired of always being the beat down girl, Absynthe decides its now time for her to show what she's got and to make an example out of one of the bigger girls to show everyone she's no one's pushover. Everyone knows Nikki is one tough bitch but that doesn't stop Absynthe as she knows Nikki is exhausted and sore after one of her long night shifts at the plant, which makes it so much easier for the little girl to kick the big girl's ass. And how!

Absynthe gets in Nikki's face right away and the fur starts to fly as Absynthe takes down Nikki by the hair and goes to town on her hair right away. That's what sucks about being the blonde with the thick luscious hair, it's the perfect take down target. Especially when someone camel clutches you and pulls back on your hair to add additional pressure on your lower spine. After receiving a couple of stiff punches to the belly, Nikki catches her second wind and takes down Absynthe to the mat and gives her a taste of her own medicine with the hair pulling but is quickly caught between the petite girl's powerful legs in a crushing cross body scissors. As tiny as she is, Absynthe has some of the most devastating scissors around here! And Nikki quickly finds out how! Try as she may, Nikki can't seem to break out of the hold and suffers dearly as Absynthe extracts her revenge for past beat downs.

Nikki is where she's not accustomed to being; on the receiving end of a beat down and she's not liking it at all. Absynthe, knowing she's wounded her larger and more dangerous opponent, milks it for all it's worth with kicks to the abs and ass, followed up with a vicious kick to the crotch to ensure her opponent stays down. But Nikki isn't letting anyone kick her ass without a fight as she knocks Absynthe down and tries to set her up for a punishing hold but once again the little girl manages to get her strong legs up and around Nikki's neck and bring the bigger girl down for more punishment. Nikki is at a loss as to what to do next but she's not without her resources as she catches Absynthe an impressive modified back breaker hold.

Absynthe is serious about making an example out of Nikki as she brings the battle back to Nikki with more hair pulling and belly punches. All fired up and out for Nikki defeat, Absynthe brings her A-Game to the fight and continues to beat down on Nikki. Caught once again between Absynthe's powerful legs in a figure 4 neck scissors, Nikki is beside herself as her hair is pulled from her scalp. We don't think Nikki had ever encountered anyone as nimble as Absynthe and this throws Nikki's game off course as she can't seem to mount any type of defense, let alone offense against her smaller opponent.

Weakened, exhausted and beaten, Nikki can't even take down Absynthe and ends up under her in a schoolgirl pin followed up with a brutal hair stand pull. Poor Nikki can't seem to find a way to counter the abuse, physical and verbal, that Absynthe heaps upon her. But in a last ditch, give it all ya got, attempt, Nikki manages to catch Absynthe off guard, picks her up into the air and dumps Absynthe on her head, stunning the little girl for a moment. Unfortunately for Nikki, she leaves herself open for a kick to the abs and down she goes. Exhausted and spent, Nikki is barely able to offer resistance to the tremendous beat down brought on by Absynthe as she kicks, stomps, punches and hair pulls her blond opponent.
Absynthe knows the end is near, for Nikki! She counters Nikki's attempt to bring her down one more time and catches Nikki in another tight Fig 4 Neck Scissors and she locks it in very tight. Absynthe's nasty streak comes to light as she doesn't Nikki out just yet, oh no, the bitch has to suffer first! When Absynthe is confident Nikki is all but finished, she releases the hold and proceeds to pummel, kick, pound, knee drop on Nikki's belly and arms, knowing that Nikki won't soon forget this battle.

Thankfully, the battle is nearly over as Absynthe drags her semi-coherent opponent to the back wall and cinches up Nikki in an agonizing and lingering hold, allowing her to regain consciousness a few times before putting the thick haired blond down for good.
Absynthe achieved what she set out to do. Prove to her fans that yes, she can take down any of the big girls and that she's no one's push over anymore. However, when Nikki recovers and we're able to make the bookings, I feel a revenge match is in the making where only one girl walks out victorious while leaving her beaten down foe broken and humiliated. But time will tell.

LF080 will appeal to the hair pulling, scissoring and knockout fans, as well for those who love the one sided beat downs. There's a hate-on between these two gals after this match. And Nikki is out for Absynthe's head on a plate!