LF077 Blonde Ambitions - Bobbie Blush vs Nikki
38 minutes of vicious and brutal back and forth beat down where only one girl walks away.
Bobbie is back again to try her luck with the new girl, Nikki. Sick and tired of taking the beat downs around here, Bobbie is out to prove a point that she can give as well as she can take. But Nikki is no push over, this tough blonde has her own ambitions and wants to make Bobbie her bitch with a good old fashion beat down.
It doesn't take long before both girls are locked in a Test of Strength nor does it take long for Bobbie to find herself on her back with Nikki imposing her will over the smaller girl. But Bobbie's will and determination to win this match lets her dominate Nikki, especially when she gets her legs wrapped around Nikki and gets her hands deep into the blonde's thick luscious hair. But Nikki, known for her hard hitting punches, manages to get her fair share of the hair pulling as retaliation. She's not used to this style of fighting when she finds herself under Bobbie getting her breasts mauled. She wants to punch out the brunette but the pre-match agreement stipulated she wasn't allowed to use her fist to the head, other wise it would have been an extremely short match.

Bobbie finds herself being tossed around by Nikki with some cool tricky leg holds and quickly ends up on the receiving end before she manages to trap Nikki's neck in a scissor hold. Resorting to what she knows best, Nikki knee drops the back of Bobbie's thighs and belly, and to make it all more memorable, rams hard knees to Bobbie's crotch, just for good measure. If you thought Bobbie had great scissoring legs, Nikki shows she's got the legs as well as Bobbie is sent screaming as she's crushed between Nikki's thighs. .
Back and forth they go, trading the advantage as they both want to bring as much pain to the other as possible. The fight gets brutal when both women lunge at each other's hair, trying to rip the hair by the roots to make the other let go of the hold. Knowing Bobbie's tendencies to fight dirty, Nikki goes after Bobbie's tender breasts. Bobbie goes for the hair as both women are locked in a battle to the finish as they employ every dirty painful tactic they know.

When they get their legs locked, they go for the feet, and when that doesn't give Nikki the results she's looking for, a hard heel to the crotch drops Bobbie on the spot, allowing Nikki to pounce and get on top of her to bring more brutal punishment to Bobbie's legs and hair. This blonde has a vicious nasty streak to her as she goes to beat down Bobbie. Nikki is another one of those girls who loves to girl her opponents scream in agony as she applies a harsh Boston Crab. Poor Bobbie is almost snapped in two. Dazed and hurting, Bobbie is methodically raked and clawed, with special attention to her breasts. Nikki so desperately wants to punch out Bobbie but can't due to the pre-fight rules. So she'll settle for breast mauling.
Picking up the sobbing and battered Bobbie, Nikki reverse Bear Hugs Bobbie before settling in behind her to maul her breasts and belly. Folded up like a cheap suit, Bobbie is subjected to heavy knee drops to the belly before her nipples are tortured, just for the fun of it. Nikki's getting the hang of this as she camps down hard on Bobbie's crotch and breast at the same time making the brunette screech in pain. Furiously insane at such cheap tactics, Bobbie pounces back on Nikki, driving her to the mat and climbs on to spread the blonde out with a grapevine. With her arms pinned above her head, Nikki is greeted with a vicious breast mauling that sends her screeching in howling pain. Bobbie means business!

Just as Nikki starts to get the advantage, Bobbie holds her back by the hair which by this time is hurting badly. Bobbie manages to get her opponent in a scissors that allows her free use of her hands to bring enormous pain to Nikki's scalp as Bobbie tries to give her a face lift by the roots as she squeezes down hard on Nikki's neck. Bobbie is out for revenge.
And now it's Nikki's turn to find out how horrific a Camel Clutch can be when you're pulled back by the hair. But by biting into Bobbie's tender inner thigh, she manages to break the hold and is now able to bring some fight back to the brunette. Attempting a Hand over Mouth Smother, Nikki really wants to put the bitch away for good but Bobbie is able to get out of that predicament, only to find herself caught under Nikki for some vicious breast and nipple mauling.

Nikki stands over her fallen victim to gloat and does see the fist coming up to nail her in the crotch which drops her. Good solid contact in the soft spot will drop anyone. At this point, Bobbie is furious and wants to take it out on Nikki. She's got some payback coming to her! While she's got Nikki trapped in her legs, Bobbie goes to town on Nikki's breasts and hair, giving the blonde all she's got coming to her. Bobbie's mean streak comes to the surface like never before as she brutalizes her victim. Poor Nikki, still rocked by the initial cheap shot is now rendered into a sobbing screaming beat down girl as Bobbie puts on the finishing touches to end this match the way she had originally intended. Caught in a sleeper hold, Nikki doesn't take long to go completely weak as Bobbie pressed down hard with all her might. She ensures Nikki has something to remember her by as she viciously stomps the weakened girl's belly before walking off.
When Nikki eventually wakes up, she crawls off vowing revenge.. and pain! She's not used to ever losing any fights so this one is quite humiliating for her. And the only way to get her respect back is to make Bobbie suffer.. really suffer!

LF077 will appeal to the scissoring and hair pulling fans out there. There is quite the animosity between these two ladies and another encounter is sure to happen but we're hesitant to make it happen as someone will definitely get hurt should these two hell cats tangle once more.